Workshop 2: Theory or replication crisis?
10 March 2022, University of Edinburgh
This second workshop brings together scholars interested in the interaction between theories and replication. Some of the topics under consideration will include:
- How do the replicating teams and the original researchers come to decide about whether a replication has been successful?
- Does psychology have a higher rate of replication failure in contrast to other sciences due to the nature of the theories it investigates?
- Can a large number of failed replications in a field be compatible with other epistemic goods, e.g. theory development, scientific progress, etc.?
- Is the ‘crisis’ terminology warranted?
Lister Learning and Teaching Centre, room 1.2. Building 40 on this map.
9.30-9.40 | Opening remarks | Suilin Lavelle
University of Edinburgh |
9.40 – 10.40 | Lessons from a multi-lab collaborative replication project in developmental psychology | Dora Kampis
University of Copenhagen |
10.40 – 11.00 | Break (Coffee) | |
11.00 – 12.00 | Building on imperfection: the role of replication in epistemic iteration | Suilin Lavelle
University of Edinburgh |
12.00 – 1.15 | Lunch | |
1.15 – 2.15 | Replication and the theory of scientific practice | Stephan Guttinger
University of Exeter |
2.15 – 2.30 | Break | |
2.30 – 3.30 | What was the replication crisis? | Samuel Fletcher
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
3.30 – 4pm | Break (Coffee) | |
4pm – 5pm | Round table discussion |
Samuel Fletcher
Samuel Fletcher is a philosopher at the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science. He has several publications concerning replication and is a project lead for ‘The many faces of reproducibility’.
Representative publications
“Replication is for meta-analysis.” Philosophy of Science 89(5): forthcoming.
(2021) “How (not) to measure replication.” European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11(57): 1–27.
(2021) “The Role of Replication in Psychological Science.” European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11(23): 1–19.
Stephan Guttinger
Stephan Guttinger is a philosopher at the University of Exeter, UK, specialising in knowledge generation in the life sciences.
Representative publications
(2020). The limits of replicability. European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10(2).
(2019). A New Account of Replication in the Experimental Life Sciences. Philosophy of Science, 86(3), 453-471.
with Love AC (2019). Characterizing scientific failure Putting the replication crisis in context. Embo reports, 20(9).
(2018). Replications Everywhere: Why the replication crisis might be less severe than it seems at first. Bioessays, 40(7).
Dora Kampis
Dora Kampis is a psychologist at the University of Copenhagen. She is a project lead for ManyBabies 2, a multi-lab replication project examining infants’ understanding of other people’s psychological states.
Representative publications
with Schuwerk, T.,& Rakoczy, H., Frank, M.C. (2022). Action anticipation based on an agent’s epistemic state in toddlers and adults. In-principle accepted Stage-1 Registered Report.
with Karman, P., Csibra, G., Southgate, V., & Hernik, M. (2021). A two-lab direct replication attempt of Southgate, Senju, & Csibra (2007).
Suilin Lavelle
Suilin Lavelle is the PI for this BA/Leverhulme project on replication. She also holds a Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers at Ruhr Universität, Bochum, also with a focus on the science of reproducibility.
Representative publications
(2022) When a crisis becomes an opportunity: the role of replications in making better theories. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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