Dr Alice M. Chapman-Kelly is the project’s postdoctoral research fellow based at the University of Edinburgh, where she also completed her PhD and postdoctoral fellowship with the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. She is the author of Decolonising the Conrad Canon (Liverpool UP, 2022), a book about queer female characters of colour in Joseph Conrad’s writing and how they have been represented in popular print illustrations and adaptations, as well as traditional modernist scholarship. She has also published widely on the lesbian literary history behind femslash fanfiction (fan-authored online narratives pairing female characters from popular copyrighted media in same-gender romantic relationships). Her second book, Fanfiction as Queer Healing: Femslash Authorship and the Swan Queen Ship is about the queering of the Disney-owned American fairy tale television show Once Upon a Time (2011-2017) by queer female, genderqueer and non-binary ‘Swan Queen’ (ship name for characters Emma Swan and the Evil Queen) fan authors. It is out 28th November 2024 – pre-order here and read the intro for free here