About the Colloquium
The PG Colloquium is a bi-weekly seminar for PhD students from the School of Mathematics and jointly run by Heriot-Watt University, which currently takes place on Fridays in room 5.45 of the Bayes Centre and online via zoom.
Each session, a speaker gives a talk (30-45 minutes), either about their research or some other aspect of mathematics they are interested in. These talks are intended to be accessible to all PhD students, so we encourage everyone to attend the colloquium, hear from their peers about what interests them, and volunteer to give a talk themselves. If you are interested in giving a talk, please fill out this form. It can be on your research, or just on a piece of maths that you enjoy and would like to share!
After the colloquium talk there is a Q&A session followed by tea & biscuits in the common area. We encourage attendees to stick around for a chat!
Details of upcoming talks will be posted here in advance and links to the online sessions will be sent out through the mailling list. We are also open to guest speakers and audience members from other Schools who are interested in mathematics, as well as masters students. If you are not a MIGS student but are interested in attending the colloquium, please contact the PG Colloquium organisers, Joseph Malbon (J.Malbon@sms.ed.ac.uk) or Johnny Lee (johnny.myungwon.lee@ed.ac.uk).
Upcoming Colloquia
11am, 13th Nov 2024. | Nikos Makras (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
Taming the Interacting Particle Langevin Algorithm – The Superlinear Case (Host: Johnny MyungWon Lee)
Recent advances in stochastic optimization have yielded the interacting particle Langevin algorithm (IPLA), which leverages the notion of interacting particle systems (IPS) to efficiently sample from approximate posterior densities. This becomes particularly crucial in relation to the framework of Expectation-Maximization (EM), where the E-step is computationally challenging or even intractable. Although prior research has focused on scenarios involving convex cases with gradients of log densities that grow at most linearly, our work extends this framework to include polynomial growth. Taming techniques are employed to produce an explicit discretization scheme that yields a new class of stable, under such non-linearities, algorithms which are called tamed interacting particle Langevin algorithms (tIPLA). We obtain non-asymptotic convergence error estimates in Wasserstein-2 distance for the new class under an optimal rate.
Past Colloquia (Academic Year 2024/2025)
Semester 1
3pm, 18th Oct 2024. | Giacomo Borghi (School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University)
Consensus-based optimisation and its mean-field limit (Host: Joseph Malbon)
Metaheuristic algorithms such as Particle Swarm Optimisation, and Genetic Algorithms are a popular class of optimisation methods for non-differential non-convex problems, but they typically lack mathematical foundations.
In this talk, we will show how to use tools from statistical physics to gain a theoretical understanding of their convergence properties. We consider in particular the paradigmatic case of the Consensus-Based Optimisation algorithm, and show how its dynamics can be studied via a mean-field approximation.
3pm, 11th Oct 2024. | Lucien Hennecart (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
Cohomological integrality isomorphisms (Host: Joseph Malbon)
To understand the topology of a manifold, one often considers its singular cohomology, which forms a finite-dimensional graded vector space. The dimensions of the graded components, called Betti numbers, encode enumerative information about the space. For example, the first Betti number of a Riemann surface counts (twice) the number of holes. In algebraic geometry, however, we encounter objects that are not manifolds but belong to a broader class of geometric objects called stacks. The cohomology of a stack is usually infinite-dimensional, and it is not immediately clear how to extract meaningful enumerative invariants.
In my talk, illustrated with elementary but representative examples, I will explain how to define new enumerative invariants for stacks obtained as a quotient of a vector space by the action of a reductive groups. This definition involves parabolic induction morphisms, which allow us to break the infinite-dimensional cohomology into more manageable finite-dimensional pieces. I will give a conjectural interpretation of these new enumerative invariants in terms of intersection cohomology, a refinement of singular cohomology that takes singularities into accounts.
Past Colloquia (Academic Year 2023/2024)
Semester 2
4pm, 13th Jun 2024 | Raya Mancheva (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
Thorne’s Hoop Conjecture and a Proof in Spherical Symmetry. (Host: Joseph Malbon)
‘You cannot gravitationally collapse a long skinny rod into a black hole by making it skinnier, but you can by making it shorter.‘
This was the result of a calculation that Kip Thorne made in 1972 which inspired him to pose the famous ‘Hoop Conjecture’ – a generic condition for the ‘size’ of a region in which a mass has to be compacted in order to undergo complete gravitational collapse.The talk is primarily based on this blog post. It introduces the handwavy Hoop conjecture in a heuristic way and goes into a discussion of the issues with the statement of the conjecture. In particular, we look into several ways to turn the handwavy statement of the conjecture into a rigorous mathematical statement. Finally, we present a proof of a version of the conjecture in the simplified case of spherically symmetric gravitational collapse.
5pm, 24th May 2024 | Viviana Carcaiso (Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova)
Where do extreme events come from? Dependent mixtures for block maxima. (Host: Joseph Malbon)
In the analysis of extreme events, it is commonly assumed that maximum values are extracted from large samples of a stationary process. In many applications this standard assumption may not hold. For instance, annual rainfall maxima might be influenced by different weather patterns in a given year.
In this talk, I will illustrate how we can use dependent mixture models to describe the behaviour of maxima originating from multiple processes. I will also present how the proposed model can be applied to precipitation data to better understand and quantify the risk of extreme rainfall events.
5pm, 10th May 2024 | Chase Van De Geijn (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
Hierarchical Geometric Deep Learning: Pure math for AI. (Host: Johnny MyungWon Lee)
Many everyday tasks have symmetries. For example, if we reflect an image of a cat, it still depicts a cat (an invariant property) and its location has been reflected across the same plane (an equivariant property). These symmetries can be expressed in the form of learning on non-Euclidean geometries. By exploiting knowledge about the problem geometry, we can allow neural networks to generalize better and reduce the necessity for large amounts of data. Often images are composed of more than one object, for example, an image might contain a cat and a dog. In this case, we may have locally equivariant properties – a rotation of the dog’s head may have a corresponding rotation in the output.
There will be no expected knowledge of machine learning, so geometric deep learning will be built up from scratch. Geometric deep learning exploits many areas of mathematics including most commonly graph theory, but also differential geometry, representation theory and gauge field theory, and more recently category theory. However, I will stick to a handwave-y group theoretic prospective. I aim to talk about my work learning hierarchically equivariant representations. However, the level of depth will depend on what time allows.
5pm, 5th Apr 2024 | Clara Panchaud (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
Counting snow leopards in Mongolia. (Host: Johnny MyungWon Lee)
Estimating wildlife species abundance and distribution is important for the conservation of animals and natural reserves. Data on uniquely identifiable individuals is increasingly collected from remote sensors such as camera traps, from which population estimates can be obtained using the popular spatially explicit capture-recapture (SCR) models.
In this talk, I will explain how data can be collected in ecological surveys before introducing SCR models. I will then discuss some of the general challenges addressed in statistical ecology, and present as an example my recent collaboration and fieldwork experience with the Snow Leopard Trust in Mongolia.
5pm, 1st Mar 2024 | Johnny MyungWon Lee (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
Calming the Furious Inferno: Bayesian regularisation with smoothing for tail index regression. (Host: Joseph Malbon)
Extreme events can be better comprehended through the lens of regression models tailored for extreme values. This framework revolves around a conditional Pareto-type specification, enriched by the inclusion of Bayesian Lasso-type shrinkage priors and further refined through low-rank thin plate splines basis expansion.
In this talk, I will validate via several simulations and illustrate our model to investigate extreme wildfire events in Portugal, delving into the key drivers behind these occurrences. Fingers crossed, we can turn this inferno into a controlled burn of knowledge!
3pm, 16th Feb 2024 | Billy Sumners (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
How do shape memory alloys work? (Host: Joseph Malbon)
A shape memory alloy (as demonstrated in the gem below) is a material which can be easily deformed when cool, but upon heating, reverts back to the shape that it had originally. This ability to seemingly remember its past (hence “memory”) could probably be explained by magic. But like all magic, this property is just a sleight of hand where the hidden inner structure of the material allows it to take on the appearance of having memory.In this talk, I’ll explain with some heuristics how a material with two solid phases (“austenite” and “martensite”), and the transformation from martensite to austenite gives rise to the shape memory effect. I’ll also talk a little about how the reverse transformation from the austenite to martensite determines what we observe microscopically, and how the property of self-accommodation contributes to the illusion of the shape memory effect.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBaIdvgbBAM&ab_channel=AndyElliottCraft%26Creations
- 5pm, 2nd Feb 2024 | Zhaoxi Zhang (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
The underlap coefficient with Bayesian estimators: A measure of evaluating diagnostic tests and classification models in multi-class settings? (Host: Joseph Malbon)
In clinical practice, after the discovery of a potential diagnostic test, it is crucial to rigorously assess its diagnostic capabilities. The most popular measures are predominantly ROC-based, including the volume under the receiver operating characteristic surface (VUS) and the three-class Youden index (YI) in the three-class setting, as well as the hypervolume under the ROC manifold (HUM) in the multi-class setting. However, these measures are only appropriate under a stochastic ordering assumption for the distributions of test outcomes across all the groups. This assumption is stringent and not always plausible, particularly when covariates are involved. Violating this assumption can lead to incorrect conclusions about a test’s performance to make classifications.
To address this, we propose the underlap coefficient, study its properties, as well as its relationship with the VUS and YI, particularly when a stochastic order is enforced in the three-class setting. We further propose Bayesian nonparametric estimators for both the unconditional underlap coefficient and for its covariate-specific version. A simulation study reveals a good performance of the proposed estimators across a range of conceivable scenarios. We also illustrate the proposed approach with an application to an Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dataset to assess how different potential AD biomarkers distinguish between individuals with normal cognition, mild impairment, and dementia, and how age and gender impact this discriminatory ability.
Semester 1
- 5pm, 8th Dec 2023 | Lambert De Monte (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
Multivariate extremes: Inference for radially-stable distributions. (Host: Joseph Malbon)
Multivariate extreme value theory (MEVT) is a branch of probability and statistics concerned with characterising the extremes of finite-dimensional random vectors and estimating the probability of joint, rare events. Particular interest lies in extrapolating beyond the range of observed data; common environmental applications include modelling extreme hydrological events linked with flooding, damaging wind gusts, heatwaves, and their impacts on livelihood. A classical approach to MEVT consists of studying the distribution of exceedances of high thresholds, but current methods mostly rely on the constraining notion of multivariate regular variation.
A new framework is introduced for multivariate threshold exceedances involving radially stable distributions based on the geometric approach to MEVT, a recent branch of extreme value theory arising through the study of suitably scaled independent observations from random vectors and their convergence in probability onto compact limit sets. Using a radial-angular decomposition of the random vector of interest, a Bayesian inference approach is adopted based on a limiting Poisson point process likelihood using information from the distribution of the radial exceedances and the distribution of the angles along which the exceedances occur. The method is showcased on case studies of river flow and sea level extremes.
- 5pm, 24th Nov 2023 | Yannis Galanos (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
Restriction Theory – The surprising behaviour of the Fourier transform when restricted on surfaces. (Host: Joseph Malbon)
You might have heard that the Fourier transform is a powerful tool for solving differential equations. But how does it do it?
I will discuss linear and bilinear restriction estimates on model hypersurfaces (what they are and techniques for proving them) and explain how they can be interpreted as decay estimates for solutions to various PDE.
- 3pm, 3rd Nov 2023 | Juan Carlos Morales Parra (School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University)
Affinization of gauge theories: How to derive 1+1 integrable systems from Chern-Simons theory? (Host: Joseph Malbon)
The concept of conserved charge plays a fundamental role in modern physics because it formalizes the notion of a time-invariant quantity. Integrable dynamical systems have been extensively studied since they possess a notorious and handy property: their dynamics is fully described in terms of conserved charges.
In this talk we will see how reductions of Loop group Chern-Simons theory lead to 1+1 dimensional integrable systems. We specialize to the case G=SL(2), showing explicitly how different reductions provide derivations of well-known integrable systems like the Korteweg-De Vries, the Non-Linear Schrödinger and the Sine-Gordon models. Finally, we will explain why this is not completely unexpected, showing how the Affine Chern-Simons and Self-Dual Yang-Mills theories are intimately related.
- 5pm, 20th Oct 2023 | James Chok (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
Wigglyness is Linear: A Novel Approach to Polynomial and Rational Approximation. (Host: Joseph Malbon)
Linear regression is a classical framework for modeling linear relationships between variables. To model nonlinear relationships, though, a typical statistics course quickly introduces polynomial regressions for the job. However, they are dismissed just as quickly due to producing unwanted wigglyness in the model.
One way to measure a model’s wigglyness is by the l2-norm on its second derivative, ||f”(x)||. In this talk, I will show how orthogonal polynomials linearize a generalized version of this norm, making this wigglyness measure linear with respect to the polynomial coefficient. I will also apply this idea to rational polynomials, an alternate way to model nonlinearity, providing better approximations than polynomial and spline-based methods.
- 3pm, 6th Oct 2023 | Sidney Holden (School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh)
Disentangling the web of lies—in defense of Australia’s flora and fauna. (Host: Joseph Malbon)
What do you call it when a shark, a crocodile, and a giant spider walk into a bar? Another typical day in Australia…Such has been the type of opening remarks in many interactions I’ve had since moving to Edinburgh.
Does Australia seem too dangerous to visit? Have you been told that you’d be taking your life into your own hands?
Lies! This is an (Australian) aspiring mathematician’s apology. I’m here to show you that things aren’t so bad after all—no matter how mangled and dense the spiderwebs (a.k.a. quantum graphs) get.
For more details of the past talks, please click here for the full list.