Our second session will be on the 10th of October.
Venue: Room S38 at 7 George Square
Time: 2pm-3pm
We will be discussing Lapierre (2024), a book chapter that explores postnasal devoicing in Panãra (Jê), posited as an instance of a natural sound change, preconditioned by the particular phonological system of this Northern Jê language.
Lapierre, M. (2024). Postoralized and devoiced nasals in Panãra (Jê): ND > NT. In D. W. Enke, L. M. Hyman, J. Nichols, G. Seiler, T. Weber, A. Hölzl, M. Faytak, M. Lapierre, C. Elsweiler, J. Huber, V. Matoshi, T. Reiner, A. Deo, A. Hölzl, G. Jäger, R. Mühlenbernd, & G. Schaden, Language change for the worse (pp. 53–87) Language Science Press. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5116353
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