Random Son of a Bitch
Uh, I feel in writing mood. What else can I say? I know.
I usually get up at 6.15am in the morning because I
always do. I try to make it to the 7:15am bus, and then I
take the 7:30am ferry. On the ferry I usually practice
talking with a friend. This is ‘morning chat’. We tend to
talk about what we’ve done that morning so far. Today
I talk about getting up at 6:15am and ‘just’ making the
ferry we’re on (even although I easily made it). This takes
about eight minutes. Then at 7:38am I get on the bus on
the other side. The bus drives right to work.
When I don’t sit right at a window I am always lost and I
have no idea when to get out. I need to invent some
landmarks so I know when to get off. So far I never over
shoot, but I got off too early twice last week and the week
before that I got off once early, although it seemed as
though I’d got off three times early. I know I’ve only made
this trip for something like four years and three weeks, but
to me it seems like nine years and fi ve weeks. The fi rst
week seemed like a year and the second week seemed
like fi ve years and the third week seemed like a year
again and the fourth week seemed like eight weeks and
the fi fth week, that seemed just like a week. Well, that’s
not too bad. I could happily spend my whole life making
the trip. Getting off early this way I get some fresh air at
No boss at the moment – what more could a typical run of
the mill bastard say was better? I think today is gonna be
spent tidying up. I fi nd that even the simple act of clearing
off a bulletin board can make a room feel more open. You
really don’t have to ask yourself why you bother. I plan to
work for about 3.7 hours. Let’s hope it’s a nice easy day!
Now I am offi cial – at least I hope so.
At around 10:00am we have breakfast (for some people
it’s probably more lunch). We have scrambled eggs
bacon, all sorts of different toast, bagels. I always take a
bagel. Then I put some margarine on it which everybody
thinks is odd because you are supposed to put cream
cheese on it. I eat one thing at a time. If I do more than
one activity at a time, I have to take too much time out
attempting to identify which activity is primary. Eating one
thing at a time means that my diet dooesn’t have to be
grouped into categories. Uh, I feel in the mood for one
thing at a time. What else can I say? I know. I was going
to say where we have breakfast but I wasn’t allowed to for
terrorist threat reasons. I was told.
By the way: I have a huge NON-flat screen computer. It’s
funny because people always think of Europe as sooooo
advanced. Not so! But we do have a great corporate
culture and very bright people.
Then at 1:00pm we usually go to get some lunch. We
either go outside or inside. I usually have a sandwich or
cold pasta. Today I thought we would rate all the people
in our team according to our rating scheme, C5 for good,
C9 for the not so. But we talked about diversity. Interestingly
someone mentioned that diversity regarding race, or
sexual orientation doesn’t guarantee that people will have
different opinions. So everybody was like, What? Who?
Gay? I didn’t know! Really? So as you can imagine we
had a fun afternoon. Then back to work and eat in front of
your computer. At around 7pm I get out and back home.
Having 8.6 hours sleep, today it really was a good day in
work. I seem to get in the mood, to just get right into the
working mood. I can be bothered to do everything today.
Let’s hope it’s exactly the same tomorrow.
This is a picture of an outdoor pool. As you can see there
is almost nobody there.
Some highlights from the day include:
• Working about an hour less than employed men.
• This guy calls me and says he is excited about my
resume and asks if I was interested in a new position.
He didn’t tell me what the job was.
• Spending about an hour less than employed adult
women (18 years and over) doing household activities
and caring for household members.
In the evening I spent 5.1 hours doing leisure activities at
the local leisure activities centre (I am a member of a gym
for the gay and wanna be celebrities. The gym opened
7 years ago – but they still have the grand opening sign
hanging outside with the balloons.) I spent 1.8 hours doing
household activities. During the remaining 4.8 hours,
I ate, drank, shopped and watched TV. I don’t remember
what I had for dinner but it was good. Watching TV was
the leisure activity that occupied the most time tonight. It
normally accounts for about half of my leisure time on average.
Socialising, such as visiting with friends or attending
or hosting social events, can be the next most common
leisure activity, accounting for about three-quarters
of an hour per day. But today I just watched TV mostly.
There’s not, I think, a single episode of Damn Average
Victim that I didn’t see. Tonight’s episode featured John
Smeaton singing the words of Plath’s Ennui:
Jeopardy is jejune now: naïve knight
fi nds ogres out-of-date and dragons unheard
of, while blasé princesses indict
tilts at terror as downright absurd
to the tune of Jerry Lee Lewis’s Great Balls of Fire played
out by WAGS repeatedly kicking blazing jihadists in the
testicles to create different yell tones. Weird I must have
gone to bed around a quarter after ten. I need a lot of
sleep, and so I like to be in bed by then. I must have read
a while. The latest one by Shane Ritchie or something
in that style. I am pretty tired! yawn. Otherwise not much
news. Ah… yes.
Late afternoon Saturday 4th August 2007
In the car park of POLARCAP
at the opening of No More Stars
West Barnes Studios
School Brae, West Barns
Dunbar, East Lotian
EH42 1UD