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Category Talks

Shift/Work : ISSOTL17, Calgary

Shift/Work : ISSOTL17, Calgary, Alberta, 🇨🇦 Directed by Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop (Dan Brown) and Edinburgh College of Art (Prof Neil Mulholland), Shift/Work is a collective that composes workshops that cause participants to reflect upon and recalibrate processes of artistic learning…. Continue Reading →

Shift/Work | Alberta College of Art & Design

@ACAD Alberta College of Art & Design – 1407 14 Ave NW, Calgary 🇨🇦 Tuesday v10th October, 1pm With Dan Brown, Neil Mulholland directs Shift/Work, a studio at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop (ESW) that composes scores designed to encourage players… Continue Reading →

Confraternity of Neoflagellants at Listaháskóli Íslands

10:00 Friday 30th September 2016 | Confraternity of Neoflagellants | Listaháskóli Íslands  11, Þverholt, Reykjavík, 105, Iceland Neil Mulholland og Norman Hogg from Myndlistardeild LHI on Vimeo. Neomedievalisms are cultural practices that breathe a bouquet of premoderns as permanent rehearsals of… Continue Reading →

Atelier: Richard Sennett ‘The Craftsman’

  Atelier Present: Richard Sennett The Craftsman THIS EVENT HAS SOLD OUT Atelier warmly welcome Professor Richard Sennett, who will be discussing his seminal work The Craftsman at The University of Edinburgh. In this book, he shows how history has drawn fault-lines between craftsman and artist,… Continue Reading →

Shift/Work: Groundcourse | Roy Ascott

  The Groundcourse is a two year foundation led by Roy Ascott at Ealing (1961-64), Ipswich School of Art (1964-67) and currently at Beijing DeTao Masters Academy in Shanghai. Groundcourse is a seminal educational experiment that is a key influence on Shift/Work. Prof… Continue Reading →

„DER FACHIDIOT?” The Paratechnic in the Monotechnic

„DER FACHIDIOT?” : The Paratechnic in the Monotechnic 13:30 Provocation Paper for CHEAD, ‘Agents of Change: Art School & Universities’   Since the early ’60s, increasingly integrated paratechnical curricula have been (begrudgingly) hosted by monotechnical art and design schools. I outline the… Continue Reading →

Transtime, Techne & Enchantment: Torsten Lauschmann

Transtime, Techne & Enchantment: Torsten Lauschmann Text and Q&A commissioned by the Edinburgh Artists Moving Image Festival Dec 10, 2015

Shift/Work Unlearning: Participatory Workshops for Contemporary Art Practice

The 4th International Visual Methods Conference, organized by the University of Brighton will take place from 16th September to the 18th September 2015 at the University of Brighton in Brighton, United Kingdom. The conference will cover areas like International Visual… Continue Reading →

Shift/Work: Performative Unlearning

Shift/Work: Performative Unlearning Dan Brown/Neil Mulholland Strand B: The Politics of Performance Alternative Zones: Uncovering the Official and the Unofficial in Fine Art Practice, Research and Education, Paradox Biennial Conference, 9-11th September 2015, Poznan, Poland. “It was immediately apparent to us that unlearning presented a… Continue Reading →

Marvin Gaye Chetwynd

    Neil Mulholland – The Guest/The Host EAF Postcard for Marvin Gaye Chetwynd ______________________________________________ Interview: Marvin Gaye Chetwynd Sunday, 23 August 2015 from 11:30 to 12:30 (BST) Edinburgh Art Festival Kiosk, Blair Street Edinburgh, Scotland Aug 23, 2015

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