
Microstoria, at Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh, May-June 2011.
Vernisage images https://www.flickr.com/gp/neilmulholland/V91b1s

Microstoria was curated by the MA Contemporary Art Theory at Edinburgh College of Art. Microstoria investigated histories of falsehoods and half-truths; uncovering ways in which myths become embedded in cultural activities and established as accepted norms.
A Microstory of Curating has been conceived as an additional room to the exhibition. It is a site where ideas and opportunities have been explored through its very own fiction. Each page of this publication has been “curated” by the art writing team who wanted to subvert the truths not only surrounding the Microstoria show but also surrounding the topic of curating itself.

A Microhistory of Curating

A Mircrohistory of Curating, Published on May 11, 2011, Relay: Edinburgh


This publication was designed to accompany the MA CAT exhibition, Microstoria, at Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh, which took place in May-June 2011.

Microstoria Poster