Expanded Painting Workshop:
Terry Atkinson
Wednesday 16th March 2011 – Studio C02, Edinburgh College of Art
Expanded Painting are delighted to be collaborating with the artist Terry Atkinson for our first workshop in Edinburgh.
Terry was a founding member of Fine-Artz (1963) and later of Art & Language (1968-74). He has had many international shows with the group, including Documenta V, 1972. As Art & Language he taught at Coventry School of Art & Design (CSAD) until 1973, before leaving the group in 1974. Terry went on to become an equally influential lecturer in fine art at the University of Leeds.
Terry has exhibited work at the Venice Biennale 1984 and was a Turner Prize nominee in 1985. He has had many one person shows in the U.K. and abroad, with his last big retrospective show being at Kunstwerke, Berlin in 1995. Other shows include an earlier large museum semi-retrospective at the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Soro Museum, Denmark and Cornerhouse, Manchester during 1992. His more recent one-person Gallery shows took place in 1995 at Archivio Di Nuovo Scrittura in Milan, and Galleria Inga-Pin, also in Milan; Norwich Gallery 1996 (touring to Edinburgh and Budapest during 1996-7); Brighton University Gallery November 1996; and a retrospective at Silkeborg Museum, Denmark, March 1997.
Terry has published widely and continues to write extensively on the problems of art teaching and making art, while challenging the ‘official’ written histories of conceptualism.
Terry will be running a workshop for art students and recent graduates. The recent LGP Art Theory Course (1968-72) Symposium held in November 2010 in Coventry is the immediate context for the workshop. This examined “the echoes of events at CSAD 1968 – 72 and look[ed] at current art educational practice and the perceived systematised failures and/or successes.”
There are places for up to 13 participants based in Scotland to attend free.
Please let us know if you want to take part in this workshop by responding to this thread or emailing n[dot]mulholland[at]eca[dot]ac[dot]uk
The workshop forms part of ‘Expanded Painting’, a series of events intended to provide a forum in which postconceptual painters and related scholars can meet to discuss their practices.
Expanded Painting is concerned with ways in which such painterly processes have transmogrified or extended beyond the frame in order to creatively respond to the rigorous challenges set by conceptual art. Expanded Painting is, crucially, a development of, rather than a reaction towards, conceptualism. It is metafictive and autopoietic rather than naïvely ‘expressionist’ or naturalistic. It looks forwards and backwards drawing on tactics and concepts borrowed from theatre, literary theory, sociology, popular music, performance and live art, illustration, installation, feminism, poststructuralism, theories of embodied knowledge as well as from art historical precedents such as Bad Painting, dada, bricollage, ceramics, murals, tapestry, Mannerism, and body art.