Name of the digital artifact: Edinburgh Climate Change Institute – Hybrid Tour

Collection: Open Educational Resources

Author: Written, designed, and produced by W.V. Lee with additional research by E. Charlton Hutchinson and T. Sterling Jr.; technical assistance by Learning Technologist I. Pantopoulos; reworked drawings by E.Charlton Hutchinson.

Description: This artifact is made of three Xerte Learning Objects published under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND Licence. There is a “main” Xerte Learning Object that allows access to the other two. Access to the artifact is done through an Open.Ed blog post.

Approximate time of engagement: 25 minutes online. If you are going to visit the ECCI, it will take a whole afternoon.

"Blog post" written over wavy background.

Clic on the image to access the artifact.

Companion text: 

The University of Edinburgh campuses have several buildings with verified sustainability performance. The Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI) building is an example. This ECCI Hybrid Tour consists of 2 parts: The PRE-Visit Tour provides some background information about the building before you make the in-person visit and can be taken anywhere in the world. The IN-Visit Tour is best experienced when you are able to physically visit the building.