Dr Heidi Smith: The Future of Education

I hope for a future for education and sport that is creative, innovative, and ever changing as it responds to the world’s needs.

Needs, I believe, must be front and centre such as:

  • social justice
  • sustainability
  • leadership
  • intersectionality
  • inclusivity
  • diversity
  • creativity
  • decolonisation
  • eliminating unconscious bias
  • future-focused thinking

The evolution of education

Education which embraces land and the more-than-human in the same way human rights are upheld. A curriculum with bravery and courage as core, and an active rebellion against old ways of educating. Allowing learners to create their own learning pathways, supported and encouraged with agency and autonomy.

Education which finally embraces the current issues, actively makes changes to ensure that we are not having the same conversations about the same challenges/issues with education in another 175 years’ time.

Education which is respectful, reverent, responsible, reciprocal and has relationships at its core, with a focus on the impact of all of our actions (individual and collective) for the next 175 years.

Now is the time to act. Change. Lead the new way we all know is possible. Leave the structures and constraints behind as we forge new ways of learning and educating.

Expore our education programmes

Teacher Education

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education

About the author

Dr Heidi Smith is a Lecturer in Outdoor and Environmental Education.

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