Welcome to the Edinburgh Medics Sports & Societies Guide!
We hope this guide brings together the huge variety of sports teams, academic and social societies which all contribute to making student life in Edinburgh as rich as it is.
Welcome from MSC Convenor, Aya Riad
As the MSC, one of our roles is to offer support to any medic societies and sports, we do so through the Sports Fund and are in the process of setting up a similar initiative for societies as well. We know COVID poses a challenge to many of the events we have all planned and look forward to, committees have been working hard to adapt and still offer everyone the best experience but we are always around if you need any help!
Our main role is to student representation, working with you and Medical School staff to improve student experience. Your year representatives are here to pass on any comments and we also have new anonymous suggestions form pinned to our Facebook page and on Learn. Beyond that, we also host the much-anticipated Annual Medical School Ball, the Edinburgh Medical Debate, Electives and Careers evening as well as other events throughout the year. While these may look slightly different this year, we are trying our best to make sure we all have the best year possible while remaining safe.
As always, please get in touch if you have any ideas or concerns – we are here to help!
Aya Riad
MSC Convenor 2020-21
Welcome from MSC Sports Secretary, Cailin de Wet
Congratulations on joining the University of Edinburgh. It is an exciting time and you will be presented with countless opportunities and societies to join. Medics are a busy bunch, but one thing not to be missed is the world of medics’ sport!
We offer a wide range of sports, with nine medics’ sports teams that train weekly and play matches on a regular basis. Most teams are part of the university’s intramural league, playing against teams from other university subjects, while some even compete in leagues outside the university against other clubs from around Scotland.
Medics’ sport prides itself on inclusivity and accessibility. It is open to people of all abilities, whether you have competed at a high level or have never played the sport before! It is a great way to get to know people across all six years and make some of the strongest friendships you could imagine with people you’d never normally have met.
In addition to the training, matches and social events organised by each sport, other medics’ sports events provide several of the highlights of the medical school calendar. In the past, there has been an annual SNIMS (Scottish and Northern Irish Medics’ Sport) competition that brings together medics from across Scotland and Northern Ireland bringing out the light-hearted but nonetheless competitive rivalries between various medical schools, alongside two nights of the most fun you’ve ever experienced! Similarly, we run a Medics sports day in the second semester as a fun afternoon in the meadows with a barbecue for those on the side lines. Whilst we are striving to continue these activities, the current situation with COVID-19 will obviously impact our ability to go ahead, however we are looking at postponing these events until a later date, or creating safe alternatives.
I hope this have given a little insight into a fantastic opportunity, and I look forward to seeing as many new faces as possible on the pitch!
Cailin de Wet
MSC sports secretary