Class Assignment #1 – Create your Basho’s Covenant
The aim of this short Class Assignment is to collectively create a group ‘Covenant’ for your Basho.
The following instructions will walk you through a method of establishing the working parameters of your Basho. This process of working out your parameters is called ‘calibration’. The agreement that it results in is called your ‘Covenant’.
Your Covenant is a set of parameters that will inform and govern how you work and how you engage with each other.
Your Basho’s Facilitator will walked you through the instructions below.
The walk-through will be recorded so you can revisit it later if you want to.
Part 1 – create your own personal covenant
Firstly, each CAT (or “paragogue”) must complete the following steps independently.
It is vital that you do this completely independently.
Make sure you do not consult anyone and that you do it without looking to see what others are doing.
It has to record what you think, not what others think.
Follow these steps in sequential order:
1. Create a Whiteboard ‘calibrator’ for your own Personal Covenant
Have a practice making your own ‘personal covenant’. It’s easy….
To do this, you just need:
-a piece of paper (the bigger the better)
– a pencil (better than a pen as you will see).
Divide the paper into four equal quadrants by drawing a line down the middle horizontally and a line down the middle vertically.
If you’d rather just do this in Miro, then copy and this template in your own Miro account:
You will now use each quadrant to model what you consider to be an ideal set of relations between syou and your peer group and between you and your learning environment .
If you have read the learning module Build-a-Basho, you will recall that persons and their environment are correlated! Okay, now we will create a set of parameters for each of the Quadrants:

Example: Negative Parameter
You should add:
Positive environmental and social attributes to the top left quadrant (A).
Negative environmental and social attributes to the top right quadrant (B).
Ideal environmental and social behaviours to the bottom left quadrant (C).
and finally
Prohibited environmental attributes and social behaviours to the bottom right quadrant (D).
If you’ve followed this correctly, then you should have something that looks like this:
2. Use the Whiteboard to sketch out your own Personal Covenant
You are now going to write on the calibrator.
You can do this directly, or, if you like to change your mind, use post-it notes as you can move them around. If you are going to write things, consider using a pencil as you can change your mind / spelling, etc.
If you are doing this on the Miro Template then you will be able to do both!
The best way to do this is to simply write down anything that comes to mind that you (personally) think might fit well in one quadrant of the calibrator.
Don’t edit anything, just add whatever springs to mind.
Spend some time doing this on your own. Do it as long as you can – the more ideas you can throw at the whiteboard the better.
If some of your ideas contradict each other, that’s okay, leave the contradictions in.
If some of your ideas seem to belong in more than one quadrant, also that’s okay. Duplicate them!
When you are done, take a photo of your whiteboard (if it’s hand-drawn) so you have a record of it.
If it’s on Miro or a similar e-whiteboard, just make sure you have it saved.
Part 2 – Basho work on your collective covenant
The first item on your agenda might take up to 30mins, no more.
3. Meeting in your Basho this Week (Week 1)
Firstly, ensure that you meet with your Basho to participate in this.
Yes, you will be meeting entirely on your own as a group.
(It’s vital that you do this workshop without the guiding influence of your tutor.)
4. Share your own Convenants
Each of you should take turns to present your own Covenant to your peers.
Let everyone take enough time to explain what they did.
Do not ask any questions while they are explaining.
Take notes if you feel it is necessary.
The second item on you agenda here should take no longer than 60mins
5. Stand-up and Whiteboard your Collective Covenant
Having listened carefully to what each of you have produced, you are now going to have a stand-up (link) wherein you will decide what goes into your shared Covenant.
You will do this on either a large piece of paper or (if you prefer) in a Miro Board that is shared with your Basho.
It’s essential that your Basho are all viewing and editing the same “Whiteboard” (whether it is electronic or just a piece of paper).
6. Scribe
To make this easier, one member of your Basho should agree to be the scribe.
(GENTLE NUDGE: If you think you’re good at writing with a pen / good with Miro e-Whiteboards and a fast typer, volunteer).
Your Scribe will post on your group’s Whiteboard.
Your Scribe will add to the calibrator using either TEXT, Post-it or freehand.
7. Brainstorm
You should each call out ideas of what to add to your Basho’s Whiteboard.
Consult your own personal calibrator for ideas.
Your Scribe should write down anything that is called out, pausing only to consider which quadrant of the calibrator it belongs in.
Don’t edit anything, just add whatever is called out.
Notes for the Scribe:
Scribe: Add anything called out to the Whiteboard , even if they are contradictory (you can edit it down afterwards). Remember to ask your peers to decide which section of the grid they think you should add their suggestions to? (Note: This might tie you to a certain way of working…)
Anything is okay to add at this stage.
No suggestion should be rejected.
The Whiteboard will start to fill out with ideas. Keep going as a group until it’s full. Once you have exhausted many of the ideas you had individually should now be visible on the Whiteboard.
8. Edit (Delete)
When the Whiteboard is full, you should collectively start to decide what stays in (which will become your shared Covenant) and what will be left on the cutting room floor (deleted).
If you are using an e-Whiteboard, it is easy to delete things (especially in Miro); just drag the thing you do not want out of the quadrants and leave them on the margins.
If you were doing this on paper, then you’d use a red marker pen to score things out that you don’t want to keep or pull post-it notes off the board and place them aside.
Editing this way means you will see clearly what you have chosen to remove. If you delete something by mistake either undo or add it back in again.
9. Unanimous Agreement
You should continue to erase things until you are left with only the parameters that you all unanimously agree with. If you decide to keep something then you must be unanimous that it’s important – remember, if it stays you need to abide by it as a ‘rule’ of your game from then on. Even if just one person objects to something staying on the whiteboard, it must be removed.
Because it can lead to considerable deliberation, the group calibration part of this process normally takes up to 60mins. It might take a lot longer still if you can’t agree.
So, perhaps you will agree to stop after 60mins even if you feel more needs to be done.
You have a few more things to do in the 1.5hrs allotted to this activity…. you aren’t done yet!! Read on….
This final item should take no longer than 30mins
Posting your group response to this assignment to MS Teams (Contemporary Art & Open Learning Course Channel, MS Teams)
10. Post link to your Whiteboard / e-Whiteboard in MS Teams Basho Channel within Open Learning
Your Basho must create a visual record of your Covenant using your MS Teams Basho Channel.
Please remember to post a link to your Basho’s final draft of your Whiteboard for the Basho to view.
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