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MA Contemporary Art Theory

MA Contemporary Art Theory

School of Art, The University of Edinburgh

What is the Educational Turn in the Commons? Dr Emma Balkind


What is the Educational Turn in the Commons? Lecture Part 1 (link) (9:44)

Lecture Part 2 (link) (3:05)


In these ‘talking heads’ videos, I am trying to make a connection between a few concepts to consider the educational turn in relation to the commons.

Firstly, thinking about the concept of the commons itself. The commons being a type of resource which is shared, and has a £0 value.

Secondly, considering discursive practices. These are used as a means to provide discussion within contemporary art and are often framed as ‘educational’ or ‘relational’ programmes within institutions (museums, biennials etc.)

Many contemporary commons initiatives have been formed through reading groups and informal means of postgraduate education. These projects often form as a result of financial constraints. I give the examples here of groups such as Sixteen Beaver in New York.

Some of these projects are either partially or fully dematerialised and available as online resources or groups such as

The postgraduate educational programmes I mention here are School of the Damned, and Dark Study.

Links list:

A history of the concept of the commons. ‘The Uncommonality of the Commons’ by Simon Yuill, which was produced for Emma’s discursive programme Estovers in 2013. (link)

Essay for The Shock of Victory, CCA ‘Exhibiting the commons’ by Emma Balkind (link)

This quotes ‘Reclaiming the Commons’ by Naomi Klein in the New Left Review (link)

Sixteen Beaver space in NYC which ran Commons study groups (link) Artists, Architects and Activists Reading Group (available through a TOR browser at

Alternative MFA – School of the Damned (link)

Dark Study (link)


Back to The Educational Turn Learning Module (link)

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Emma Balkind 2020



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