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MA Contemporary Art Theory

MA Contemporary Art Theory

School of Art, The University of Edinburgh

Learning Sprint 1: Open P2P


Learning Sprint 1: Open P2P

Weeks 1&2

Your first sprint will focus on learning-to-learn from a peer-to-peer perspective (paragogy). We will start with the course induction, then move to situate you within a group (basho) before setting a ‘problem scenario’ that your group will work with until the end of Week 2.

Sprint 1: Aims

In Sprint 1 of this open course, you will do the following:

  • Identify some of the key elements that form your own Learning Environments and lend support to the what you are interested in learning
  • Gain insight and support from your Basho as a learner, enabling you to form a Personal Learning Network (PLN)
  • Learn how to design and develop the parameters of group learning in formal and informal Learning Environments
  • Learn how to learn (engaging with some theories of learning and begin to engage with the educational turn in art)

Sprint 1: Learning Outcomes

In Sprint 1 of this open course, you will mainly engage with course learning outcomes 1 and 3, specifically the elements in bold here:

LO1 – creatively respond to artistic assignments and provide constructive feedback that supports peer learning

LO3 – critically reflect upon what you have learned by researching, designing, running and documenting your workshop

Sprint 1: Problem Scenario

The following problem scenario presents a situation that you will engage with during this first Sprint.

I want to openly collaborate with my peers so that we can learn together. But, I don’t know where to start. How might I create a way of working with my peers that will enable the open pooling and sharing of our skills?

Sprint 1: Assignments

You need to complete all of the work specified for both assignments and attend all classes:

Week 1

Build-A-Basho: Create your Basho’s Covenant

Complete Week 1 Class Assignment with your Basho

15:00-17:00 Tuesday 19th September 2023 | J03, North East Studios Building, Edinburgh College of Art

Before you arrive you will have been assigned to a Basho (peer group). You should sit with other members of your Basho in the West Court.

The session will start with an introduction to the concepts of Basho and Covenant creation outlined here:

Learning Module: Build-A-Basho (link)

You will then start to work on the Week 1 Class Assignment with peers in your Basho….

Independent Meeting in your Basho

Set aside for 1hr to meet with your Basho to complete the:

Class Assignment: Create your Basho’s Covenant (link)

When you complete this first Class Assignment, remember to turn in all of the work you’ve done the Learn VLE.

What more should you do before the end of Week 1?

Please read through this in you own time:

Learning Module: Updating your Covenant & Research Ethics (link)

On Friday of Week 1 you should work your own way through the next self-directed Learning Module:

Week 2 | Workshop: Make Gold, Edinburgh College of Art


Tuesday 26th September 2023

Week 2 |The Artist’s Toolkit, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop

Thursday 28th September 2023

Tuesday 26th September 2023

12:00 West Court, Main Building, Edinburgh College of Art


You will take part in a Shift/Work workshop called Make Gold. You will each work in your Basho to complete this.

As is the case with most of the workshops you will take part in during this course, Make Gold develops forms of experiential learning and forms part of an artistic practice (Shift/Work). The workshop is metacognitive: taking part in it will teach you how to devise and run your own workshops.

You will be given more information specifically on this workshop after you complete it.


Further Reading:

Peeragogy 3.0 (link)


Thursday 28th September 2023 | Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop | 21 Hawthornvale, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Edinburgh, GB EH6 4JT

The Artist’s Toolkit

This workshop – led by the artists Debjani Banerjee and Dan Brown – will take place in the Courtyard Studio space at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop | 21 Hawthornvale, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Edinburgh, GB EH6 4JT

Debi Banerjee is Curator for Learning at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop.

Please make sure that you check MS Teams for details on when to arrive (different times for different students)

Make sure you are wearing outdoor clothing (in case it rains) as we will be outside at some point today.

(NB: You don’t have to prepare for this workshop).

Participation this workshop is mandatory since it helps you to understand your own workshop design from an experiential and performative perspective.

You will witness and experience what does, and does not, work in different learning environments and gain a better sense of how different learners might respond to artistic and educational stimuli.


Artists’ Toolkits at ESW 13.10.22 Slideshow


ESW Dan Brown, Curator of Research and Debjani Banerjee, Curator for Learning. Debi will run the Artist's Toolkit workshop.

ESW Dan Brown, Curator of Research and Debjani Banerjee, Curator for Learning. Debi will run the Artist’s Toolkit workshop.


What more should you do before the end of Week 2?

Please read through this in you own time:

Learning Module : Paragogy and Para-academia (link)

This learning module places the work you will do in the Make Gold and Artist’s Toolkits workshops in an artistic and education context. In particular, it will introduce you to the politics of education in the present day.

Please make sure you complete it before you tackle the Sprint 1 Assignment at the end of Week 2…..

Week 2 > Deadline 9:00am 2nd October 2023

Complete Sprint 1 Assignment on your own


You have the rest of the week to work individually on completing the Sprint 1 Assignment.

Please answer Questions 1-7.

Having done so, you should focus most of your time and attention on Question 8:

Write constructive advice that responds constructively to the Sprint’s problem scenario:

“I want to openly collaborate with my peers so that we can learn together. But, I don’t know where to start. How might I create a way of working with my peers that will enable the open pooling and sharing of our skills?”

Q. Based on your experience of this Sprint so far, what constructive advice would you give to resolve this problem?

Your constructive advice must be 500 words or more and must be submitted to the Learn VLE.

You can use the ‘Additional Content’ dropbox to add any of your research materials from Sprint 1 (e.g. diagrams, maps, notes, etc.) if you wish to do so.



☑️ Have you completed the Learning Module: Build-A-Basho (link)
☑️ Did you create your Basho’s Covenant? Did you post it in your MS Teams Basho Channel?
☑️ Have you completed the Learning Module: Updating your Covenant & Research Ethics (link)
☑️ Did you take part in Workshop: Make Gold?
☑️ Did you take part in Workshop: Artist’s Toolkits at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop?
☑️ Have you completed the Learning Module : Paragogy and Para-academia (link)
☑️ Have you completed the Sprint 1 Assignment in the Learn VLE?

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Neil Mulholland 2022-23



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