Lothian Diary Project team


The Lothian Diary Project is led by Professor Lauren Hall-Lew in collaboration with Dr Claire Cowie, Dr Catherine Lai, Dr Shan-Jan Sarah Liu, Dr Zuzana Elliott, and Dr Nina Markl.

Previous team members include Dr Bea Alex, Dr Karri Gillespie-Smith, Dr Rachel Happer, Dr Nini Kerr, Dr Anita Klingler, Dr Clare Llewellyn, and Mr Stephen Joseph McNulty.

The Lothian Diary Project has been supported financially by the Economic and Social Research Council, the University of Edinburgh’s College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

We collaborated with Generation Scotland to design our survey and with Museums & Galleries Edinburgh to archive the recordings.

We partnered with the following charities and community organisations during and after data collection: the Leith Walk Police Box, People First Scotland, Redwoods Caring Foundation, Streetwork (Simon Community Scotland), Carr Form, Thistle Foundation, The Edinburgh Society of Model Engineers, LinkLiving, West Lothian Financial Inclusion Network, Super Power Agency, Dr Bell’s Family Centre, and the Welcoming Association.

For questions about the project, email Lauren.Hall-Lew@ed.ac.uk. And take a look at our YouTube channel!