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Playful engagement

Defining Playfulness for ISG

For the past few days, I’ve found myself wrestling with writer’s block. As someone deeply attuned to my surroundings and emotions, this creative slump left me feeling stagnant and uninspired. Recognizing the importance of inspiration in my work, I made a conscious effort to seek it out. Packing my bag, I headed to the Main Library and immersed myself in its collections and archives at the University of Edinburgh. An hour spent surrounded by the rich tapestry of cultures, histories, and artifacts served as a potent reminder of the profound connection between exploration and professional well-being.

In the creation of ISG’s Playful Engagement strategy back in 2019, six key themes were identified. These themes were not imposed from the top-down but emerged organically from informal observations of how activities were being carried out within ISG. The strategy aimed to foster creativity and expand upon existing methodologies by inspiring every member of ISG. It sought to create and endorse various opportunities tailored to the ISG community’s needs. Let’s delve into each of the six themes.

Digital Technologies:

ISG encourages staff to utilize digital technologies in creative and experimental ways. Whether it’s university-subscribed tools or open-source platforms, ISG supports innovative approaches to work. Resources like Catchbox throwable microphones and Wooclap online voting tool enhance meeting engagement. The university regularly updates its subscriptions to ensure staff have access to the latest tools and technologies. Additionally, initiatives like the DIY Film School and flexible IT spaces at Argyle House Floor E provide opportunities for staff to explore digital creativity.

Changes to Digital Skills platforms like, now LinkedIn Learning, have also happened in the recent years. Our 23 things for Digital Knowledge have gained popularity, offering 23 bite-sized trainings. Additionally, initiatives like the Nudge program aim to make online training more accessible and engaging.

Libraries, Museums, Galleries, and Collections:

The University of Edinburgh boasts world-class Libraries, Museums, Galleries, and Collections facilities, housing a treasure trove of artifacts and historical documents. With the transition to hybrid work post-pandemic, efforts have been made to digitize collections for remote access. Art trails, podcasts, and exhibitions like ‘Time Traveller: Charles Lyell at Work’ offer immersive experiences both physically and virtually. The library has always attempted to create meaningful playful engagements through technological usage. While no longer in use, the Google lens along with Bluetooth Beacon technology, back in 2015, had provided an immersive experience of the exhibits. Initiatives like Metadata games make digitized collections more accessible and engaging through playful interactions.

Communities of Practice (CoP):

ISG fosters a diverse community of interest-based groups, promoting a sense of belonging and collaboration. From the ISG Bakers to the Ada Lovelace Day event celebrating women in STEM, there are numerous opportunities for staff to connect and engage with like-minded colleagues. Open.Ed, the open educational resource, fosters an informal community of open education enthusiasts at the University of Edinburgh. The university hosts a vibrant community of Wikimedians who enrich Wikipedia and its associated Wikimedia platforms through active participation in editathons.

Reflection, Development, and Innovation:

Reflection is essential for fostering creativity and innovation. ISG provides opportunities for staff to participate in internships, professional certifications, and courses to expand their skills and knowledge. Spaces like the uCreate makerspace at the Main Library offer hands-on experiences with cutting-edge technology. The academic blogging service allows staff to share their experiences and research, fostering a culture of reflection and learning.


Exploration and Innovation:

“The very essence of playfulness is an openness to anything that may happen, the feeling that whatever happens, it’s okay… you’re either free to play, or you’re not.”

– John Cleese

ISG’s Innovation Programme provides a safe space for exploring new ideas and embracing failure as part of the innovation process. Started in 2015, this initiative funds projects that drive innovation within ISG. As we navigate the post-pandemic landscape, the Innovation Programme will evolve to meet the changing needs of the community.

Work-Life Balance:

The Healthy Working Lives initiative promotes employee well-being through various activities and initiatives. From discounted gym memberships to sports engagements and yoga classes, ISG supports a healthy work-life balance. Flexible working hours, shared parental leave, and hybrid work options ensure staff have the flexibility to explore their playful sides outside of work.


Our journey towards playful engagement is an ongoing one, and we welcome feedback, suggestions, and collaboration from all quarters. We believe that by continuously evolving and refining our approach, we can create an environment where creativity thrives, and individuals are empowered to reach their full potential.

As we look to the future, we remain committed to fostering a culture of playfulness, curiosity, and innovation within ISG and beyond. Together, we can redefine the boundaries of what’s possible and create a brighter future for higher education.

As we reflect on ISG’s journey and look to the future, it’s crucial to continually update and improve our Playful Engagement strategy. We’re currently surveying managers across ISG to gather feedback and insights. We encourage staff to contribute their ideas for playful engagement within their teams and directorates. Together, we can cultivate a culture of creativity, collaboration, and playfulness within ISG, enriching the experiences of all who work here.



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