Category: Research
The Royal Society has led the way on research culture in recent years, establishing the following definition, which is now widely adopted: Research culture encompasses behaviours, values, expectations, attitudes and norms of our research communities. It influences researchers’ career paths and determines the way that research is conducted and communicated. You can find out more […]
Research in AI is an increasingly exciting and fast-paced environment, with many new interesting features and applications available at a wider scale. However, it is also the topic of heavy criticism for often failing to represent and serve minority groups, which have historically been underrepresented in conversations about technology. Being PhD students in the CDT […]
As a PhD student in the School of Informatics, I’ve been researching gender bias in language and language technologies. Time and again, I’m surprised by how simple people try to make biased language. As Abeba Birhane stresses in her interview on the podcast The Good Robot, not everything can be conceptualized as a straightforward problem […]