Category: ED&I
I would like to take this opportunity to advertise the fantastic ED&I reading group that regularly meets in the Informatics Forum. This reading group usually discusses a research paper on a topic related to equality, diversity and inclusion. Everyone in Informatics – and beyond – is invited to attend. To give you an idea of […]
Research in AI is an increasingly exciting and fast-paced environment, with many new interesting features and applications available at a wider scale. However, it is also the topic of heavy criticism for often failing to represent and serve minority groups, which have historically been underrepresented in conversations about technology. Being PhD students in the CDT […]
Our School works best when everybody is heard, and nobody is left behind. We are always eager to find out how to improve our community, with regular official feedback opportunities. In the last two years the School Culture survey, Athena Swan focus groups, and the University’s Staff Engagement survey have been implemented. These have revealed some […]
I went to the WomEncourage conference in Trondheim, Norway in September 2023, and here are some lessons that I learnt. It’s amazing to be in a female-dominated computing environment. We are all used to spaces where people are talking about computing being very male dominated. Mostly that is ok, and mostly we can feel welcome […]
In the last week of May, I attended the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2023 conference in person. This was the first in person conference after the pandemic, and the location of the event was London, which was an easy destination to reach but also an expensive destination to stay. AAMAS […]
Our School undertakes a culture survey of all School members every two years. We don’t do this annually because we feel all this would result in is survey fatigue. We know that completing the survey takes some time! So why do it? We think the best incentive for completing the survey is evidence that the […]
BCSWomen organises the annual Lovelace Colloquium: a day featuring talks, a careers panel, employer stands and a student poster contest. This year, three students from the University of Edinburgh made the trip to Sheffield, and Qiuye Zhang in fact won first place with her poster “Can Artificial Neural Networks Learn like Brains?” in the second […]
There are disproportionately few women enrolling for undergraduate degrees in computing in the UK. Despite constituting 50.5% of the UK population and 57% of college graduates in the UK, only 19% of the technology workforce are women. The statistics for staff within our school align well with the national figures, with women constituting 56% of […]
People make the School of Informatics. Whether academic, professional services, or student, without people teaching and research would halt. And people are at their best when they feel they belong in the School’s culture. At the root of an inclusive culture lies fairness, which brings out the best in people. Fairness matters, as any child […]
Our School is a community of people from many different backgrounds, which makes it an inspiring place to learn and work. Members are respected for who they are, and the culture they come from doesn’t matter. So, in a sense, it is weird to spotlight some groups over others. Rather than make a big deal, […]