Tag: illustration

Postgraduate student Katie Chappell is going to Switzerland!

I have been selected to go and work with a group of journalism students on the St Gallen Symposium, a student-run global forum. In May I’ll head to Switzerland for a week to listen to speakers and create illustrations which will go into the official magazine which gets sent out to speakers and attendees after the symposium is over. The symposium has been going for 47 years and i’ll be the first illustrator to work on the magazine team!
I heard about this opportunity in the ECA email list. I had to pitch a few ideas of articles I’d like to illustrate which fit the theme of dilemma of disruption. I mentioned Brexit, technology and the Shakespeare quote “there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” because really, not all disruption is bad. Some disruption is just change and interruption. The word disruption has negative connotations. 
Right now i’m working on a big illustration all about smart phones and the huge disruption of that technology in our lives. 
The very very early first draft of the magazine is underway and it looks like there’ll be a lot of mention of Trump, globalization and technology. 

Edinburgh in Colour

Written by 3rd year Illustration student Savannah Petrie, the main illustrator of ‘Edinburgh in Colour’.

I first heard about the ‘Edinburgh in Colour’ colouring book project through an email that was sent around: the organisers were running an illustration competition. I thought that seeing as I do a lot of line drawing that could be the right style for a colouring book, I’d give it a go. I think it’s great to try to do competitions or commissions outside of your course work because it gives you a chance to expand your portfolio, and try things you might not have done before. I really enjoyed creating illustrations for various places around Edinburgh, and it’s exciting to see my work printed in a book!

The colouring book was organised by a group of business students at Edinburgh University, as a way to raise money for Children 1st, a Scottish children’s charity. The books are now printed and for sale, and over £2500 has been raised already! Many artists/illustrators from ECA have submitted work to this book, and there’s also lots of information about the charity and Edinburgh itself.

The fundraising colouring book project was mentioned in the following articles: Edinburgh College of Art and The University of Edinburgh and is available to buy through Etsy and other shops around Edinburgh including the EUSA shop and local galleries in Edinburgh (Fruitmarket gallery and Summer Hall) as well as Pop-up shops at Edinburgh Grassmarket.

The illustrations below were submitted by Savannah Petrie and Ella Bruty.


The Bunkhouse Project

During last year’s summer break four of our third year Illustrators ventured out in the wild in order to paint a mural based on the landscape and history of Glen Coe.

In preparation for the project Eden Reeve, Han Deacon, Jo Ruessmann and Rosie Hawtin paid three visits to the Bunkhouse hostel and met the owners of the hostel and Benjamin Tindall architects who accepted their design proposal and directed them during the process.

The interior was painted using emulsion paint in different sections of the building; to most of the group this meant working in a new way, to a large scale and in collaboration with fellow illustrators.

Alongside being attacked by midges, as we were told, the 4 spent many busy hours completing this bold and evocative mural. We believe it will serve as a wonderful addition to the bunkhouse visitors’ experience of the Highlands.



Walking the Water of Leith

One of the benefits of living in Edinburgh is that you are never far from nature, a fact which often has a long-lasting impact on our students. In the second week of their studies we took our first years for a long walk along the Water of Leith during which they drew from observation and collected artefacts. Their findings were then to be used as a basis to develop block printed repeat patterns.

Our journey started at the Water of Leith Visitor Centre where we were introduced to the history of the river, its flora and fauna as well as the work and activities carried out by the trust. The group then set off on a 3 hour walk involving many drawing breaks before arriving at the Scottish National Galleries of Modern Art.

After returning to the studio our students carried out research into historic and contemporary pattern before being shown how to create their own repeat pattern and transform it into a linocut.

The final work reflects the students’ personal journey along the river, drawing whatever appealed to them along the way, ranging from buildings, objects, colours, shapes and animals to people. Found elements such as scraps of paper, bits of rubbish or graffiti were also incorporated into the work.


House Style

Come and see ‘House Style’ at the Edinburgh International Book Festival -and maybe pick up a card or two!

House Style came about as a way of uniting all the staff and students of Illustration in a collaborative project. The staff came up with suggestions for a list of novels which was assembled by George Douglas, (GSA 2015-16). Each participant chose a book for which to make an image. Sarah Bissel, (artist in residence), put together the plan for a limited palette, a clever idea which has given a unified aesthetic to the considerable variety of imagery  and use of media in the illustrations. It was felt to be a great thing to celebrate the literary connections with Illustration, particularly in its relationship to the novel.

Our programme director Jonathan Gibbs has made a number of commissioned pieces for the Radio Times in illustrations for novels to be read on Radio Four. These are illustrations on a miniature scale, but with a vivid and particular role within the printed page. The House Style brief emulated this process, with the results comprising the design of a 2017 calendar to be launched in December 2016. Alan Walker of Allander Print visited the Illustration studio several times to comment upon work in progress for House Style, and the visual result has been made possible by him and Allander Print.

With many thanks to him for making this possible, the seventy or so postcards of all House Style illustrations have been displayed for sale at the Edinburgh Book Festival. Thanks must also go to  Nicky Regan for her excellent design of the calendar and postcards, with thanks also to Alan Ramsay for designing and constructing the display stand.



D&AD New Blood Festival

It’s New Blood time again! Our students have packed a selection of their work and travelled down to London in order to showcase their talent and skill at this year’s D&AD New Blood Festival.  Located in the heart of London, at the Old Truman Brewery just off Brick Lane, this annual event gives graduating design students across the country the chance to have their work seen by the creative industries.

During the next couple of days students will be given the opportunity to show their portfolios and receive professional advice as well as take part in various seminars and meet fellow creatives and potential future employers.

Our Graphic Design and Illustration students are currently in the process of setting up their stands and will later return to the private view, to which industry has been invited on their behalf.

It’s already looking great – but keep looking out as we’ll be posting more images once the setup is complete!



Degree Show part 2

Only 4 days left to see our degree show! Pop along and meet our enthusiastic graduates, have a chat and enjoy the fantastic views of rEdinburgh from the top of Evolution House.

Here are the next 8 out of 25 graduates, a click on their names will take you to their websites where you’ll get to see more work.

Gabriele LisauskaiteIMG_1737-a

Helga PavelkovaIMG_1738-a

Rosanna CorfeIMG_1739-a

Maria RikteryteIMG_1740-a

Paige Collins IMG_1741-a

Heledd OwenIMG_1743-a

Andrew Oakheart IMG_1744-a

Valpuri KarinenIMG_1745-a

Degree Show part 1

Only 5 days left to pay our degree show a visit and meet our enthusiastic graduates who are happy to have a chat and explain the process behind their work. You’ll be able to find us on the 4th floor of Evolution House.

In the next 3 blogposts we will be introducing all 25 graduates; please click on the Illustrators name to get to their website and see more of their work. Here are the first eight…

Liv Wan IMG_1729-a

Barney Mumby-Price IMG_1731-a

Sara Julia LjeskovacIMG_1732-a

Peony Gent IMG_1733-a

Mhairi BradenIMG_1734-a

Felix MiallIMG_1735-a

Harry English 


Molly SoarIMG_1736-a