Category: MA Illustration

Degree Show 2019

IT’S DEGREE SHOW TIME AGAIN and we have a lovely eclectic mix of Undergraduate and Master students’ work on display. Don’t miss the chance to see it! The show is open daily from 11.00 – 17.00 until Sunday 9 June. Tonight is Late Night so we’ll be open until 20.00! Looking forward to seeing you on the 4th floor of Evolution House!

And here’s a wee sneak peak of what’s on display..

Pattern workshop with Joanna Srokol

Our MA students have just completed a pattern-making project led by Artist in Residence Joanna Sokol, who we introduced in an earlier blog post. Spread across 2 weeks students  received an introduction to surface pattern design and were then asked to create a moodboard based on particular fashion or interior theme, which they had previously pulled from a hat. During tutorials with Joanna the group was shown how to create a repeat surface pattern using Photoshop and through individual crits were given the opportunity to tackle any difficulties.

The photos below were taken at the final presentation this morning against our fantastic castle backdrop.



Postgraduate student Katie Chappell is going to Switzerland!

I have been selected to go and work with a group of journalism students on the St Gallen Symposium, a student-run global forum. In May I’ll head to Switzerland for a week to listen to speakers and create illustrations which will go into the official magazine which gets sent out to speakers and attendees after the symposium is over. The symposium has been going for 47 years and i’ll be the first illustrator to work on the magazine team!
I heard about this opportunity in the ECA email list. I had to pitch a few ideas of articles I’d like to illustrate which fit the theme of dilemma of disruption. I mentioned Brexit, technology and the Shakespeare quote “there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” because really, not all disruption is bad. Some disruption is just change and interruption. The word disruption has negative connotations. 
Right now i’m working on a big illustration all about smart phones and the huge disruption of that technology in our lives. 
The very very early first draft of the magazine is underway and it looks like there’ll be a lot of mention of Trump, globalization and technology. 

Student Success in the Penguin Design Award

We are delighted to congratulate MA Illustration Student Leilei Huang on being Shortlisted for the Penguin Design Award in the Adult Prize category. Her symbolic design draws together ideas of religion, the female and the iconic title to form an elegant design.

Well done LeiLie!

The winners can be seen here.

Leilei Huang Shortlisted for the Penguin Design Award 2015
Leilei Huang – Shortlisted for the Penguin Design Award 2015