Tag: book binding

Friday Talk from Jane Hyslop

This week students and staff are eagerly anticipating our Friday Professional Practice talk from alumni and tutor Jane Hyslop. The illustration department enjoys weekly tutorials from Jane in creating drawing journals, book binding and all things intricate and precise. After sharing in her vast knowledge, we look forward to adventuring into Jane’s own practice and hearing about her experience as a successful book artist and printmaker.

In her personal practice Jane has documented the decline of the mining industry, the dereliction of former mine workings and railways in parallel with the regeneration of the land in her native Midlothian. The flora and fauna that quickly populate deserted places fascinate her and recording this ongoing transformation is at the forefront of her work.

We look forward to hearing more about this fascinating ongoing project, her history with the University and her plans for the future.


See more of Jane’s work at:



‘In order to be able to function in the world humans have found it essential to map their surroundings in order to impart information to others and to understand the world for themselves. However, it has not always only for practical reasons that maps have been made. People, from childhood, have a natural urge to make them and maps are fascinating to look at. They draw the viewer in and anyone who makes a map demonstrates their thought process through the way it is laid out and designed and their preferences in what they choose to map.’
In this project our second year students were asked to produce a piece of work in book form – this could be taken in as broad a sense as they wished. The book had to contain maps and or diagrams that explained a place. This place could be somewhere they knew intimately, somewhere they were keen to explore or learn about through mapping it, or an imaginary place. Whichever they chose, students had to make a book that gave as much information to the viewer as possible using mainly images.

The images could be made using any medium, students chose to draw, paint, print or use digital techniques to produce there final books. The second years pushed boundaries in both there thought processes and practical techniques, resulting in a unique range of beautiful and provoking books. See below for a selection of our students completed ‘map books’.

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Ryan Hamill

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Rachel Donaldson

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Ann MacLeod

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William Hughes

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Arran Stamper

Many thanks to the University Special Collections for inviting us to view a selection of rare books that have inspired many of our students to develop there book binding skills.