Category: degree show

Degree Show 2019

IT’S DEGREE SHOW TIME AGAIN and we have a lovely eclectic mix of Undergraduate and Master students’ work on display. Don’t miss the chance to see it! The show is open daily from 11.00 – 17.00 until Sunday 9 June. Tonight is Late Night so we’ll be open until 20.00! Looking forward to seeing you on the 4th floor of Evolution House!

And here’s a wee sneak peak of what’s on display..

New Blood Festival 2018

We just returned from the D&AD New Blood Festival in London where 17 of our recent graduates presented their work to the world. In preparation for the event the group designed their own stand with a ‘Pick n Mix’ concept, which reflected the variety of styles and approaches within their work. Apart from the opportunity of seeing what the rest of the UK’s fresh Illustration, Graphic Design and Animation graduates are up to, this annual event is also an opportunity for them to get valuable advice from industry professionals. Adobe offered portfolio surgeries and there were many other events to attend throughout the 5 days.

The show was a real success with many visitors picking up postcards and business cards and having conversations with our Illustrators about their work and future aspirations. Terri Po and Jo Ruessmann made it onto the ‘One to Watch’ list and were offered a place in the New Blood Academy for this week where they will learn more about how to start their careers as new professional creatives. We are very proud of all of our 2018 graduates and wish them the best of luck for their creative careers!


Degree Show 2017

We congratulate our 30 new graduates whose degree show is currently in full swing!

Come to Evolution House / ECA to meet the artists and see the fruit of their work over the last year. There are a variety of things on display ranging from Graphic novels and picture books to printmaking,  magazine design and 3 dimensional illustrated objects – and you’ll also be able to pick up a piece of affordable artwork in our degree show shop if you like.

ECA Degree show information and opening hours.

Here are some images of the opening night, which was great fun – thanks to everyone who came and showed their support!


Upcoming Graduates – Laura Sayers

There are 18 weeks left before we present this year’s degree show to the world. In preparation we are starting a blog series to feature our soon-to-be 4th year and Masters graduates.

Today, meet Lovely Laura Sayers!

I’ve been working with paper for quite a number of years now after I was given a project in school when I was about 16 that asked us to make a black and white paper sculpture based on a myth. I went straight in with a pair of scissors and found that I loved being able to glide them through a sheet and make new patterns and shapes from something so simple. Since then I’ve neatened up my way of working, discovered my eye for colour and my pieces have naturally ended up a lot smaller and more detailed. I’m still using the same trusty pair of 89p scissors though!

Mansfield Pencil.jpg


I’m currently reworking a little children’s book about a character called Hi Vis Vincent who is a chubby little guy who’s job it is to paint the words ‘bus stop’ on the side of the road, but he gets bored of painting the same thing and lets his imagination run wild instead.

I’ve become really interested in simple characters who live their dreams as a result of being bored – I love the concept of making fun out of mundane situations. I found a pencil sketch of Vincent in an old sketchbook that I’d forgotten about and I liked the look of him, so this is what he’s developing into.

A lot of my work centres around personalities and physical spaces as I feel this is what my style is best suited to. Literature plays a big part too, whether it’s a story or a poem that I’ve written myself or a piece of classic literature, I like the challenge of visualising the characters and bringing something new to their stories.

In my final year I’m also making some of my own handmade paper, keeping a journal and making patterns from the scraps left over from my pieces, and soon I’ll be starting a project which at the moment looks like it’ll be based on stories about the ugly offices that our studio faces onto.

Degree Show part 2

Only 4 days left to see our degree show! Pop along and meet our enthusiastic graduates, have a chat and enjoy the fantastic views of rEdinburgh from the top of Evolution House.

Here are the next 8 out of 25 graduates, a click on their names will take you to their websites where you’ll get to see more work.

Gabriele LisauskaiteIMG_1737-a

Helga PavelkovaIMG_1738-a

Rosanna CorfeIMG_1739-a

Maria RikteryteIMG_1740-a

Paige Collins IMG_1741-a

Heledd OwenIMG_1743-a

Andrew Oakheart IMG_1744-a

Valpuri KarinenIMG_1745-a

Degree Show part 1

Only 5 days left to pay our degree show a visit and meet our enthusiastic graduates who are happy to have a chat and explain the process behind their work. You’ll be able to find us on the 4th floor of Evolution House.

In the next 3 blogposts we will be introducing all 25 graduates; please click on the Illustrators name to get to their website and see more of their work. Here are the first eight…

Liv Wan IMG_1729-a

Barney Mumby-Price IMG_1731-a

Sara Julia LjeskovacIMG_1732-a

Peony Gent IMG_1733-a

Mhairi BradenIMG_1734-a

Felix MiallIMG_1735-a

Harry English 


Molly SoarIMG_1736-a

Degree Show 2016

Our degree show 2016 is in full swing! Here are some images of last week’s private viewing where we were delighted to meet our students’ families and friends and catch up with graduates from previous years.

The degree show will be running until 5th June, 11-5pm with late night openings on Wednesday 1st June and Thursday 2nd June from 11-8pm. Come along, see some emerging talent’s fresh work and perhaps even pick up an affordable piece of art from our students’ degree show shop?


