Author: cpascoe

Artist in Residence Andrea Popyordanova shows her work at Joseph Pearce

Hello all, I am Andrea, one of ECA’s recent graduates in Illustration and an Artist in Residence.

As a result of frequent visits to my favorite café-bar Joseph Pearce and a few conversations with the owners, my most recent work is up that bar, situated on Elm Row, top of Leith Walk, for the next six months.

Not only will you have a chance to have a look my collages based on south American short stories, and my cocktail screenprints, you will see them all in a very informal ambiance, while having a one of their delicious Swedish cocktails or simply a Gin & Tonic; they’re quite an amazing drinks bar.

You will also learn a bit more on how to make cocktails yourself, possibly meet a few Swedish regulars or Leith locals and hear some great live music – if you go on a Sunday evening.

There will be more pieces going up in the next weeks, so you could go even a few times, which I recommend.

How to get to the bar?

Just cross the North Bridge and then head down in the direction of Leith/the Omn i Center. As soon as you walk past the Omni center continue further down until you reach Elm Row, and Joseph Pearces is right at the corner of that street.



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Pictures from a very busy Friday

Some work by Stage 2 illustrators for a project based around satire and editorial work…


…and work by the brilliant jack-of-all-trades (his words, not ours!) David Faithful who came to talk about his varied career this afternoon, which includes printmaking, icon design, photography, artist books and much much more!

david faithful david faithful 3 david faithfull 2

Student Success in the Penguin Design Award

We are delighted to congratulate MA Illustration Student Leilei Huang on being Shortlisted for the Penguin Design Award in the Adult Prize category. Her symbolic design draws together ideas of religion, the female and the iconic title to form an elegant design.

Well done LeiLie!

The winners can be seen here.

Leilei Huang Shortlisted for the Penguin Design Award 2015
Leilei Huang – Shortlisted for the Penguin Design Award 2015

Living Patterns

Exhibition Poster - Living Patterns

An exhibition of patterns inspired by the Water of Leith.

This project began with a walk down part of the Water of Leith by Postgraduate students in the Illustration Programme. Illustrator and tutor Astrid Jaekel introduced students to the waterway that meanders its way through the city of Edinburgh and reveals a rural pathway in the heart of the urban city. She then asked students to design an illustrated repeating pattern in response to their experience.

The open brief allowed the group to demonstrate the diversity of the subject, resulting in a broad variety of patterns portraying both commuters and those using the waterway for leisure, allotments, wildlife and generally a sense of the everyday life of this environment.

The patterns will be on display at the Water of Leith Visitor Centre until 7th July 2015.

Astrid Jaekel and a student hang the exhibition
Exhibition at the Water of Leith Visitor Centre

MA Illustrators – R16 Pop-up Shop and Exhibition

R16 pop up shop poster

We delighted to present R16, a pop-up shop and exhibition at the lovely Stag Gallery, part of Warburton Gallery at the top of Victoria Street in Edinburgh.

This weekend only the postgraduate illustrators and graphic designers will showing off new work and offering a chance at a sneak preview of their work before they exhibit at the college in August.

More info:

Maisie Shearring wins the International Award for Illustration!

A huge congratulations to 2013 Alumni Maisie Shearring, winner of the 7th edition of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair – Fundación SM International Award for Illustration.

Maisie was selected from more than 3000 participants from 70 countries, while the judges examined over with 15 thousand works. As the winner, Maisie will be given the task of illustrating a book to be published by the SM Group. The book will be presented at the 2016 edition of the Fair, where Maisie Shearring is also due to hold a personal exhibition of her work. The Bologna Award for Children’s Book Illustration is a highly prestigious prize and an incredible and well deserved achievement.

After studying undergraduate Illustration here with us at Edinburgh College of Art, Maisie underwent an MA in Children’s Book Illustrationat Cambridge School of Art. She has thrived throughout her academic career with her strong sense of style, engaging characters and unique talent for storytelling. In October 2014 Maisie was also selected to be part of the Picturehooks Scheme, with personal mentor Nick Sharratt. We are eagerly awaiting the exhibition of her Picture Hooks work in the National Gallery of Scotland, November 2015 .

The Bologna International Award for Illustration is a fantastic initiative with the aim of encouraging and supporting new talent by bringing the work of young illustrators to the attention of the publishing sector. The panel of Bologna Judges noted that “This young artist has huge potential to evolve and to develop an original voice within the current panorama of illustration”. We couldn’t agree more and cannot wait to see Maisie go from strength to strength in her Illustration Career.



Check out more of Maisie’s work here:

Exhibition at the Doubtfire Gallery

This month, the Edinburgh College of Art Illustration Department is pleased to present Escapade, a collection of works created by students, staff and notable alumni exhibited at the Doubtfire Gallery. We are excited to share our experience of what Illustration means to us as individuals and as a collective.

One of the most exciting aspects of Illustration is the wide-range of media where work can make an impact. The ECA Illustration Programme drives its students to apply their talent across a diverse range of end channels, from books and exhibitions to packaging, digital media and community arts. It is a dynamic and fast paced discipline that pushes the limits of both the artist’s and the viewer’s imagination.

Guided by acclaimed Illustrator and Programme Director Jonathon Gibbs, the course has thrived from its collaborative studio culture. During their time at ECA, students undergo countless tutorials, workshops and critics from the Illustration staff, their peers and successful practitioners, many of whom previously studied at ECA. The exhibition includes works from across all stages of the Illustration Programme’s creative community, from developing fourth year talents and fresh new graduates to the distinguished staff and alumni who inspired them.

All exhibiting Illustrators are currently living and creating work in the city of Edinburgh. Their collection of Illustrations offers a wide variety of themes, techniques and styles, all in celebration of their connection with Edinburgh College of Art.

Make sure to check Escapade out between 11th April – 2nd May. Find more information at the link below:

ECA Illustration 2015.qxp_A5

ECA Illustration 2015.qxp_A5