‘The Man Who Lived at the Zoo’ Showcase

Yesterday evening our 3rd year students had a fantastic finale to their largest project of the semester ‘The Man Who Lived in the Zoo’. We are happy to announce that this year Edinburgh College of Art and Edinburgh Zoo will been collaborating on several creative projects.

Our students were asked to create a children’s storybook based on Darren McGarry, Head of Living Collections at Edinburgh Zoo (otherwise known as the man who lives at the zoo). Over the past two months Darren invited our students to hear his hilarious stories, meet the animals and learn about the important conservation projects at the heart of Edinburgh Zoo. This was a mammoth task for our 3rd years to take on, designing 12 double page spreads, end papers and a book cover on top of their already busy schedules.

But our students rose to the challenge and each created wonderful narratives, characters and illustrations. Yesterday evening the work was presented to the team at Edinburgh Zoo in the Budungo Lecture Theatre, to a unique backdrop of the chimpanzee enclosure. Everyone had a great evening of reading stories and enjoying one anothers’ illustrations. The ECA staff would like to thank the students for all their hard work and of course fantastic team at Edinburgh Zoo for making this collaboration possible.

Watch this space for exciting further developments on this project including an exhibition of ‘The Man Who Lived in the Zoo’ coming in 2015.

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