A Drawing a Day Challenge

To coincide with John Vernon Lord’s exhibition at the House of Illustration, a challenge was set to produce a drawing a day throughout the whole month of September. The only rule in this competition was that the drawings must be within an inch square.

Jonny, Lucy, Astrid, Eilidh and Vivian took part in the challenge. John Vernon Lord selected the winners (HERE), and Jonathan Gibbs was crowned a runner up!

You can see some of their wonderful drawings below.

A selection of Jonathan Gibb’s One Inch drawings.


John Vernon Lord’s One Inch Drawings have also inspired our second year illustrators, who were set a very short brief to produce 30 one inch illustrations. They were given four words: Journey, Environment, Relationship and Culinary, from which they could choose one to theme their images.

Below is a selection of their work.








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