
Our first years are currently working on their final project for the semester; narratives inspired by Prof Bill Earnshaw‘s scientific research on cell division. In preparation for his talk our group was given a taste of what it feels like to be working in a real lab, at ASCUS in Summerhall. With the help of James Howie and Jiri Jirout we were shown how to extract our own cheek cells and tint them so they show up clearly under the microscope and could then be drawn.

Later in the afternoon Bill visited us at ECA and gave a talk on his journey of becoming a scientist in first place and more insight into his specific area of research. Overall, it was a great day and by the end of it our heads were buzzing with lots of new knowledge, inspiration and ideas.

In the next few weeks our students will be turning some of their learning into imaginative sequential narratives, which we will of course share with you once completed.


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