What’s in store

This week fourth year ECA students Savannah, Poppy, Ellie and Miranda have been busy installing work made by their whole year group in the window of the famous Red Door Gallery on Victoria Street, Edinburgh.

Last semester curator and manager of the gallery Nicky Brooks visited the college and set the fourth year students the task of creating work on the theme of ‘Valuing your Values’. After a bit of market research and a lot of hard work, the talented illustrators have each produced a series of products beautifully displayed in the window.

Not only are the items on display for all passing to admire, they are also available for purchase from the gallery and online. If you are in Edinburgh pop along, or check out the wares via the Red Door Gallery online shop: http://www.edinburghart.com/

This beautiful and diverse selection of work is an exciting indication of the talented group in their final year of studies and the great things we can expect from this years’ degree show.

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