French Film Festival

The French Film Festival poster competition, in collaboration with The French Film Institute, ran again this year with an exhibition held in the Filmhouse’s cafe-bar space.

This year is the 70th anniversary of Cannes Film Festival, and so the students were briefed to reimagine one of the iconic posters from the festival. A selection of these original posters were exhibited alongside the student work, providing a context and contrast with their reinterpretations.

Our winner this year is Laura Richmond with her poster for 1979.


2nd place went to Sophie Demery with 1949, and 3rd place to Anoushka Schellekens with 1975.

Pictured below is just a small selection of the other beautiful posters on display. (1951 – Ryan Hamil, 1954 – Laura Robinson, 1957 – India Pearce, 1990 – Lily Mullan, 2006 – Terri Po) The exhibition ran from 7th-20th November.

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