Degree Show part 1

Only 5 days left to pay our degree show a visit and meet our enthusiastic graduates who are happy to have a chat and explain the process behind their work. You’ll be able to find us on the 4th floor of Evolution House.

In the next 3 blogposts we will be introducing all 25 graduates; please click on the Illustrators name to get to their website and see more of their work. Here are the first eight…

Liv Wan IMG_1729-a

Barney Mumby-Price IMG_1731-a

Sara Julia LjeskovacIMG_1732-a

Peony Gent IMG_1733-a

Mhairi BradenIMG_1734-a

Felix MiallIMG_1735-a

Harry English 


Molly SoarIMG_1736-a

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