Collaborative Drawing Project

The Second year illustration students were set the challenge this Semester of constructing and delivering a COLLABORATIVE DRAWING PROJECT or EVENT.

In groups of 3 or 4 they rose to the challenge and the results were as varied as they were interesting. The task also got us thinking more about what collaboration is, and whether sometimes we form collectives rather than actually collaborating….

Some of the drawings presented last week are shown below.

Andrea, George and Michael met at the Central Library and used this as their starting point. From there they chose to follow some of the individuals they met, leading them to another location, this time at random. They continued this, drawing what they found and later amalgamating the drawings into sculptures.


Joe, Claire, Nyree and Sophie created a drawing event in a café. They decided to spend the event drawing one another, and for each portrait set themselves a challenge – for example drawing with their eyes closed, drawing with two hands and playing consequences…with some interesting discoveries along the way!


Alina, Tanya and Kristina went back to their shared Eastern European roots and explored the negative stereotypes and positive memories of each of their homes. This proved to be an emotional drawing experience in many ways! Image

Lizzie, Ruth, Ailsa and Celeste juxtaposed nouns and verbs in their drawing collaboration to produce random stories. They then interacted with one another’s drawings to interesting effect. This proved a fun experience with lots to learn about collaboration for next time. ImageImageImage

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