Using a poem, A Month on The Mile:
by Edinburgh Makar Christine De Luca and Ingrid Murray, and an accompanying short film, made by Michelle Hanzelova that were commissioned byThe Royal Mile Business Association in 2015, 2nd year students of Illustration at ECA embarked on a project to illustrate aspects of the rich history and vibrant culture of Edinburgh’s most famous street, using the Tunnel Book form in a project led by artist, illustrator and educator, Brigid Collins: http://www.brigidcollins.co.uk

Following an inspiring reading of the poem by Christine, a short talk about the film by Michelle and a (chilly!) Poetry Walk led by Ken Cockburn:
students went on to work in groups to research and devise ways of encapsulating this historical and cultural context into Tunnel Books that could be ‘travelled’, or ‘walked’ through, thus immersing the viewer in this unique world that lies almost on the doorstep of ECA.

The result has been a stunning collection of individual artworks and collective book forms. Brigid will be talking about these at the Bookmarks: Artists’ Book and Zine Fair at Edinburgh College of Art, Thursday 24th March: https://www.facebook.com/ecabookmarks/

A Month on the Mile / ECA Illustration by blogadmin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0