Long Story Short- Task 1

As a group we visited the house of the story teller David Campbell. Here, he introduced us to his story telling traditions and his dedication to the craft of his ritual, everything from our folk sing-along to the outfit he was wearing encapsulated Scottish tradition. David told 3 stories as well as taking breaks, telling jokes and directly interacting with us to ensure our engagement, involvement and enjoyment.

The First story, The Tale of Carnaby Dick, told a story of a horse dealer’s strange encounter with a mysterious man from the mountains, which resulted in a life threatening choice that lead to his death.

The Second Story, set in Shetland, followed Ranald the fiddle player in his journey to a mysterious land of mythical ‘Trowie’ creatures, however unaware of the accelerated time in this land, Ranald is away for far longer than to his knowledge, too late even to make it home for his wife’s homemade leak and tatty soup.

In the third Story, Ranald an attractive man, catches the attention of a pesky ‘Shei’ fairy who follows and pesters him day and night. Ranald accidentally falls under her spell with a look into her eyes and both of them disappear to the Land of the Shei. Finally, when returning home to his wife, with a look in the mirror Ranald realizes that he is now an old man.

Our Brief was to create a 3D response to one of the 3 stories of our choosing. Our responses range from Paper models to Pottery and communicate our personal take on each tale, our favourite aspects and the parts in which stood out visually in our imaginations. Some of us chose to cover whole summaries of the story or defining parts, for example books with series of events, and some of us focusing on details, like the leak and tatty soup or Ranalds gaze in the mirror.

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