Welcome to Long Story Short!

Today, the 26th of April, 1st year Illustration students are celebrating the end of their final project, Long Story Short (where they expanded on their story-telling skills and met various professionals), by hosting a pop-up show. Each student has extended their skills and knowledge throughout the course of the year and the results of this are evident in this exhibition.

Science to Fiction was the final part of the 5 week long project. Students were asked to create a visual narrative with a minimum of 4 panels, inspired by their visit to ASCUS lab, where they looked at their own cheek cells under the microscope, and a meeting/discussion with scientist Bill Earnshaw.

On show today there is a vast collection of different approaches, styles and ideas. From comic books to embroidery hoops, zines and concertina books, there are truly no two works alike. Some students chose a humorous approach to their narrative, whereas other students chose to focus on much more serious topics. Some took inspiration from scientific facts and others discovered the path of science fiction by delving into their imaginations. The narratives you will find on display feature lovable characters and interactions between them.

In addition to the narratives students were asked to create a short frame animated gif, still inspired by cells. Most illustrators had not worked with animation before so this was a new challenge. The outcomes are truly fascinating. There is a range of colour and movement in this collection of gifs.

The show is taking place from 2 to 3pm at Evolution House, 4th floor, room 417. Professionals, who inspired the narratives created by the students, have also been invited to attend the exhibition. Support the young illustrators and come see it too!

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