Bookmarks 2018 open for applications


We are happy to announce that we are now open to table applications for Bookmarks 2018.

In its fourth year, BOOKMARKS artists’ bookfair will again provide a stimulating platform for visitors to explore artists’ books and zines made by practitioners from across Scotland and further afield. Exploring the artists’ book in its broadest sense, BOOKMARKS is a first stop for those interested in bookmaking as an artistic practice. BOOKMARKS will run this year on the 21st March, from 11am-7pm. It will be housed in the Fire Station, Edinburgh College of Art, The University of Edinburgh.

You can apply through Curator Space here:
Bookmarks 2018 Table application
Applications close 15.02.18

We look forward to all the amazing artists and their works and anticipate another incredible fair this year.

Hope to see you all there.


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