A Poetic End (to semester)

The first years have wrapped up for the semester and produced some stellar work. Here’s hoping they have a restful Holidays; they have thoroughly earned it.

Here are some images of their illustrated poetry and comics based upon a painting from the modern art gallery. The poems range from insightful to humorous and some perfectly verging that gap, but the main thing to be commended is their solutions and resolve of imagery in quite a tight project.

The comic project was also a chance to introduce or reacquaint them with Photoshop and to produce a hand rendered effect with computers. This methodology has become a fundamental part of many illustrators practice, with most at least using Photoshop ( or similar programs) to add those finishing tweaks and touches to their piece.

They are shaping up to be the exciting and energetic group of illustrators that we have year on year without fail.

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