Alumni news – Sarah Bissell

Over the last few months Sarah Bissell, an ECA alumni and one of last years artists in residence has been working with Edinburgh Collage Collective on an international submission of collaged based work themed around the subject of envelopes. Setup in 2016 by collage artist Rhed Fawell, the collective has been working on exhibitions and events over the last year and currently is showcasing their latest exhibition, G.L.U.E. in our very own Tent Gallery.

The collective (comprising of seven members including Sarah Bissell and another of our previous artists in residence Megan Elizabeth Taylor) believes that it is important to reach out and link to other like minded artists globally particularly in this turbulent political climate. Through their most recent project they have connected with over 70 other artists and gathered over 140 artworks for display in the gallery and the feedback has been incredibly positive with plans to travel the exhibition and future open submissions on the horizon. To get involved check out the instagram page and keep and eye out for future events

Sarahs work is part risograph and part collage as she runs risograph printers The Gutter Press . Collage has always been a focus of her work but since starting her business late last year she has also been making risograph prints created from her original collages. Her work for this exhibition was looking at the excitement and intrigue you have when receiving post and she wanted to celebrate this and inject an element of fun to her subject.

The exhibition is open until the 28th so pop by if you’re in the area. If you have an interest in risograph have a look at The Gutter Press website and contact Sarah with any printing projects you want to get produced. Also watch out for the Edinburgh Collage Collectives future open submissions, they would love more people to get involved and to connect with more lovely collage loving people.


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