House Style Calendar Launch

Last night we launched the House Style calendar in ECA’s sculpture court.

The House Style brief was a collaboration between all of the Illustration Department’s students and staff, with each contributor making an image based on a book, using a limited colour palette. These illustrations were then printed in both postcard and calendar format by Allander Print.

Previously exhibited at Edinburgh’s International Book Festival this summer as a display of postcards, the work was this time launched in its calendar form, with an arrangement of all the work up on the walls of the sculpture court as well.

Thanks again to Nicky Regan, George Douglas and Sarah Bissel for all their work on House  Style, as well as Allander Print, and Adele Conn for organising last nights launch event. And finally a big well done to everyone who took part! We’re all looking forward to opening up the calendar in January to ring in the new year.

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