Honourable mention for 3rd Year student in 3×3 International Illustration Competition

A huge congratulations to Liv Wan on her recent success in 3×3 Magazine’s 11th Annual International Illustration Competition, receiving an Honourable Mention for her personal project “Illustrated Travel Guide of Taipei”.

Liv’s work will be published on the 3×3 website in 2015, giving her fantastic exposure which we are sure will open many doors for her Illustration career. Liv shared her experience on her blog:

I got the email from the 3×3 magazine team when I finished work and I was on my way home. I was so excited, especially after a hard late shift at work, that I cried my eyes out in the back of the taxi. I really hope I didn’t freak out the driver! I’m still in the very early stages of my illustration career but ever since I started my HND course I’ve been working non-stop extremely hard. This “Honorable Mention” is the first non-educational nomination or award I have ever received and it’s an international and non student competition. Hopefully this will benefit my illustration career and bring in more clients.

To receive an honourable mention in a professional illustration competition mid way through your studies is a wonderful achievement, we are looking forward to seeing what Liv will conquer next.

Taipei-map-header shilin-night-market-illustration-2 yangmingshan-mountain-hot-spring-illustration maokong-tea-garden-illustration taipei-101-illustration To enjoy more of Liv’s work, please visit: http://livwanillustration.com

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