Student success at the Fruitmarket Gallery Artists’ Bookmarket


A huge well done to the second year Illustrators who put on a great show at the Fruitmarket Gallery on Saturday! The event was a great success and the books presented created lots of interested amongst visitors to the event.


Students presented work made as part of their recent project ‘MapBook’ with book artist Jane Hyslop:

‘In order to be able to function in the world humans have found it essential to map their surroundings in order to impart information to others and to understand the world for themselves. However, it has not always only for practical reasons that maps have been made. People, from childhood, have a natural urge to make them and maps are fascinating to look at. They draw the viewer in and anyone who makes a map demonstrates some of their thought process through the way it is laid out and designed.

In this project second year Illustration students were asked to produce a piece of work in book form – this could be taken in as broad a sense as they wished. The book had to contain maps and or diagrams that explained a place. This place could be somewhere they knew intimately well, somewhere they were keen to explore and learn about through mapping it, or an imaginary place.’


For those who missed the event, there will be further opportunity to see the books which will be on display at Edinburgh College of Art Library, Evolution House, University of Edinburgh until the middle of May.

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