Sara Ogilvie Comes to Visit


Illustration for ‘An intimate history of Humanity’ by Theodore ZeldinSarOgilvie_2

We were delighted that Illustrator Sara Oglivie came to visit last Friday. Sara is an old friend of the department and gave an entertaining an extremely useful talk on her practice as an illustrator, printmaker and book artist with plenty of hints for designers newly starting out.


She also brought along a host of examples of her work, showing the breadth of projects she has worked. A mob of students dug quickly into these samples and showered Sara in questions. My personal favourite was a certain Folio Society cover for the ‘Wizard of Oz’ – the kind of great illustration that puts butterflies in your tummy!


Cover design for ‘The Courage of Consort’ by Michel Faber



Billboard design for ‘Bolton University’

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