Success for Student’s Children Book


Holly Jameson writes about her recent award win:

“Late last year I was commissioned to create the illustrations for a book called “Eye See a Dragon in the Glen”, a children’s book to promote eye health. The book was part of a charity fund-raising event for Children 1ST (formally RSSPCC) were several business participated in a Dragon’s Den type of business venture.

I was involved highly in the project which included trips to Glasgow to get the eye-tests in the book approved by professors at the Caledonian University and some excursions to the printers. All the illustrations were completed in three weeks and the text was also formatted by me. It was tough going as my client was new to this whole business but with a little help from some other illustrators like Cathryn Rayner and from Helena Waldron at Floris publishing for advice we had the book printed and for sale on Amazon.

Last Wednesday was the final award ceremony to see which of the groups had won. The event was held in an elaborate hall in Edinburgh Castle. After cuffing a lot of hors d’oeuvres we waited for the winners to be announced. And we won one of the awards! Our book won the award for future promise (best product for sales if we had not re-invested in book printing).

And we won this daft little statue of a dragon.”


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