【ERC Coffee House】Modular Models of Monoids with Operations
Nick Wu will give a talk, in person and online, for the Coffee House Tech Talk Series.
The details of the talk are below. A lunch will be provided after the talk.
Title: Modular Models of Monoids with Operations
When : 28 Mar 2023, 11am-12nn
Where (Physically) : Coffee House, 4/F, Bayes Centre, 47 Potterrow, Edinburgh EH8 9BT, UK
Where (Virtually): Nick Wu talk (huaweicloud.com)
Registration: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/D8MKWE/
Abstract: Inspired by algebraic effects and the principle of notions of computations as monoids, we study a categorical
framework for equational theories and models of monoids equipped with operations. The framework covers
not only algebraic operations but also scoped and variable-binding operations. Appealingly, in this framework
both theories and models can be modularly composed. Technically, a general monoid-theory correspondence
is shown, saying that the category of theories of algebraic operations is equivalent to the category of monoids.
Moreover, more complex forms of operations can be coreflected into algebraic operations, in a way that
preserves initial algebras.
Bio: Nicolas Wu is a Reader at Imperial College London where he leads the Functional Programming group.
His research interests are centred around programming languages,
where he has made advances in applications of category theory for giving the semantics of programs and algorithms.
In particular, his recent work has been focused on showing the connections between domain specific languages, algebraic effect handlers, and structured recursion schemes.
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