As I am sure many of you have noticed, a large number of new books are being added to the archaeology collection. These are the result of a kind donation from Professor D. W. Harding, a former professor here at Edinburgh. We wanted to create some displays dedicated to him to highlight his massive contribution to our book collections.
Professor Harding held the Abercromby Chair while at Edinburgh, a position dedicated to the promotion and continued study of prehistoric archaeology. The SRR received a donation of some amazing models of Iron Age roundhouses from students, so we decided to construct a display based around the Iron Age. Check out this section of the SRR to learn more about the period of history that Professor Harding was most captivated by!
Additionally, we wanted to highlight the range of books that Professor Harding donated by creating a ‘professor’s office’ themed display. After digging through charity shops, we collected some items that fit the concept, such as an old pipe and a small leather briefcase. We also created some fake notes and diagrams that Professor Harding could have written, as well as a short biography. The end result is a fun, eye-catching display that gives an insight into the life of Professor Harding.
Please take the time to check out these displays and let us have any feedback!