About Me



Name: Harry Davis

Email:  h.davis@ed.ac.uk

Location: Upper Lewis Suite, Institute of Geography, School of GeoSciences, Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH8 9XP


PhD researcher with a focus on glacial geophysics and Earth observation. Interested in using radio-echo sounding data and satellite data to better understand changes to the Antarctic ice-sheet. Lover of the outdoors, keen squash player, and partial to good cake and coffee.

Research Interests

  • The Cryosphere
  • Radioglaciology
  • Glacial Geophysics
  • Earth Observation
  • Remote Sensing
  • Ice-Ocean Interactions
  • Climate Change


  • 2019-22: BSc Chemistry, University of Leeds.
  • 2022-22: MRes Climate and Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds.
  • 2022- : Ph.D. Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Edinburgh.

