About the Edinburgh Seven authors

Who are we?
We are a group of 8 second year medical students at the University of Edinburgh undertaking a group project as part of our second semester. Our names are Loic Hayois, Craig Liddell, Alexandra Nash, Cari O’Rourke, Aya Riad, Madryn Riewer, Alba Saenz de Villaverde and Gemma Woodhead.
What are we doing in this project?
We will be doing some research on the Edinburgh Seven, their supporters, opponents and what life was like as a medical student in the late 1800s. We will be sharing blog posts about their lives, the challenges they faced and their lasting impact as well as sharing posts written by other notable medical women. This project is completely student-selected and led with some supervision by out two tutors.
Why are we doing this project?
We are all interested in the Edinburgh Seven and think other people are too! Our group is made up of 6 girls and 2 boys, 3/4 of us might not be here studying medicine if it wasn’t for these women! Also, we want more of our fellow students to recognise the Edinburgh Seven and their accomplishments.
Join us as we discover more about the first group of matriculated female undergraduate students in the UK : The Edinburgh Seven.
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