At the start of the meeting we discussed the idea of combing projection mapping with virtual reality, looking over digital installations that were done as museum exhibitions . I was the most inspired by the installation, Inhabitat , a mixed reality artwork that explored alternative ecosystems where people would be able to explore the environment in two different ways. One person could explore while wearing the VR headset and look at microscopic ecosystems up close and personal, while others could manipulate the ecosystem and play with a physical sand sculpture with a projection laid over it that was also in the room.
During the meeting we played with the idea of doing something similar, where we could create a world that could be seen in two different ways, and well as have some interaction with real objects and sensors by using a Vive tracker.
I’m also inspired by this installation done done by Design I/O called Connected Worlds and brought it up during our discuss. This installation was also held in a science museum, where projection mapping was used as well as physical objects. The physical objects were used by the “players” to help manipulate the environment, in addition to motion sensor technology.