Land-Form PROFILE tiles updated

Over the years some problems have been reported with a few Land-Form PROFILE data tiles. Ordnance Survey have now provided us with updated versions of these tiles for which the problems have been fixed. The following tiles have been updated for both DTM and contour data:

hp50sw nm80nw nm80sw nm87ne nm87nw
nt87sw ny47se ny57sw ny87sw sd61ne
ss30ne ss30nw ss30se ss30sw ss31se
ss31sw ss40sw st20nw st30se st40ne
st40se st50ne st50nw st50se st57se
st76se st85nw st86nw st86sw sx39nw
sx49nw sx57ne sx57se sy49ne sy59nw

Thanks to those who have reported the errors in the data.