Introducing Noteable….for geospatial analysis and processing

You may have noticed a new tab has appeared on the Digimap home page, labelled Noteable.

Noteable is a new service from EDINA, a cloud-based service which allows users to create, run & visualise code in a large number of computational languages. It can be used to access the unlimited opportunities of Python and/or R to build and manipulate data science models, addressing a wide variety of research problems. Noteable offers huge potential for geospatial data analysis and processing, making complex software environments and data models readily available to large numbers of students for remote learning.

Noteable builds and expands on Jupyter & RStudio technology to provide an efficient and collaborative learning environment. It offers low barriers to access with teachers able to set up the students’ environment once, and enables students to get started without the associated effort of setting up their own.

Contact us to learn more: