Digimap Historic Download Updated

Historic Download has been updated to use the same interface as all the other collections, making it possible to take maps from different series and scales in a single order.

Historic Download Interface

The new interface is much quicker and easier to use to get all the data you need and will be familiar to users who have taken data from the other Digimap Collections. Unlike the old Historic Downloader you select whether you want the Original Map Sheets or the data cut into squares based on the modern National Grid Tiles at the end of the process once your selections are in the basket.

New_Historic_BasketYou can add products from multiple series, scales or revisions to a single order and you can see where the data is present by using the Availability Overlays.

New_Historic_AvailabilityThe old interface will be retained until the 8th of October to allow time for any course materials to be updated.