Digimap is 15 Years Old

Today, on the 15th day of 2015, we mark 15 years of running Digimap!


This week in 2000 the Digimap national service was launched following a four year project phase.

We marked the first 10 years with an event in January 2010 a great day which summarised the first decade in some detail: Read about it here

A recent presentation given at the Royal Geographical Society Annual conference highlighted the growth of the service and more recent developments: View it on SlideShare

The service is more embedded in UK academia than ever before, in use at 160 universities and colleges with over 58,000 registered users at those institutions. As well as this we now have bespoke versions for Colleges and Schools. Over the 15 years we have registered almost 500,000 users to access the collections and they in turn have generated nearly 100 million screen maps and 3 million print maps. In terms of the value for money, during academic year 2012/13 alone, the conservative total for products downloaded or printed from all Digimap collections was nearly £44 million a figure that grows year on year.

Improvements to Digimap continue with several exciting developments already lined up in early 2015.

We continue to work closely with colleagues at Jisc in providing the Maps and geospatial data offering http://jisc.ac.uk/content/maps as well as with the Ordnance Survey directly for the data underpinning the service.

To stay informed of all related news, as well as the blog, we use Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to supplement information available on the main service page: http://digimap.edina.ac.uk/